What's the fuss over GMO?

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
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Hanna, IN
that's*satyrical said:
Pearce Pastures said:
I have to wonder if this is really about learning about why people are upset about the resistance to company's labeling GMO's since many valid points are being presented, ethical and logical, but they don't seemed to be satisfying the OPs inquiry into why the fuss. 90% of the population has requested to have these products labeled, so at the least the consumer can better make a decision for themselves what they want to put into their mouths and the mouths of their children. DDT, natural selection, human environmental impact, pesticide usage....not sure where these come into play with wanting to know why many simply want GMO labeling.
I guess it's because almost all of these issues feed into the reasoning WHY so many people want GMOs labeled? So they can decide whether or not they want to be privvy to supporting such agendas. Plus, I want some say over whether or not my kids and animals are exposed to them. Although it is darn near impossible to avoid them altogether I at least want to try to keep their exposure to a minimum.
Oh, no I think I was misunderstood----I agree with you 100%. ;) I just don't think that our responses to why we and many others dislike GMOs are being well received.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
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North Carolina
bigger picture, not just money.... when you can control the food you can control the people.

The seed was designed/created to contain everything within itself the replace it self, with GM seeds they cannot. For thousands of years we have saved a portion of the seed to replant and replenish, with the GMO's you are at the mercy of the manufacturers to have to continually buy the seed every year, or have no crops. The price can go up and up and up, you get the picture.

There are many Doctors, Politicians, and scientist that oppose GMO's but are getting pushed out. Look at sheep girls brief encounter, limited info yet not all the facts to be able to make an informed decision. No offense sheepgirl.

The rise in FM, MS, acid reflux, gastrointestinal disorders, behavioral issues in children esp.,leaky gut syndrome, colon cancer, the list goes on. The rise in most of these started a few years into the production of GMO.

Many of us have been watching this for years, but for most of America it has just slipped under the radar. Lets face it America gets up goes to work and is trying to pay their bills and don't really pay attention to this kind of thing UNTIL something happens in your life that causes you to look at it.


Loving the herd life
Sep 6, 2011
Reaction score
Grrrr makes me kinda angry more people don't care. But you are right!!! In this horrible economy pretty much everyone is working, all the time. And people are just TIRED. Often times too tired to research much :(


Purple Cow/Moderator
Golden Herd Member
Jul 3, 2008
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BC, Washington border
that's*satyrical said:
Grrrr makes me kinda angry more people don't care. But you are right!!! In this horrible economy pretty much everyone is working, all the time. And people are just TIRED. Often times too tired to research much :(
You are quite correct that people are so busy and exhausted making ends meet that most other things slip through the cracks.


Ridin' The Range
Oct 14, 2010
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Xaibe, Belize
I will give my two cents worth from the Belize point of view. Fruta Bomba, which is a part of Brooks Tropicals out of Florida, grows papaya. They are GM trees for fast growth and quantity of fruit. They are "Round Up Ready" plants. That means that they must use a specific version of Round Up for Insecticide and Herbicide control. The ground is so contaminated that they only raise one plant cycle and go on to another plot of land.
They used to spray every 12 days IF it was needed. Now they are spraying every 2 days!!! All the workers must wear environmental suits and they hold any vehicles or walkers when the sprayer is close to the road.
There are 20 cases of lupis in the village of less than 1000 people. All have some connection to the papaya company. Lots of increase in auto-immune problems.

One of the chemicals in RoundUP is the same as Agent Orange and Paraquat. I now have headaches and can not breathe when they spray and my nostrils blister and peel.
I love papayas but will not eat them because of the sprays. Also, the fruit bat population is almost extinct from being poisoned.

The corn is an issue here right now. One of the large farms (owner from US) was trying to bring it in. The Mayan farmers got it stopped but I hear that he has hired a lobbyist to get the govt to back it. Issues are what some have already stated....

you can not save seed from the current crop. You must by seed from Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, etc each year. Significant cost to farmers and I'm sure the cost will increase each year.

you must use chemicals for insects and weed control or it doesn't survive. Mayans have been growing local corn for thousands of years with no problems except for parrots stealing the corn just before it's dry enough to harvest. Huge costs to farmers.

Monsanto has been suing farmers for "stealing" their patented corn through natural pollination thereby putting small farmers out of business.

There are lots of health issues that are highly increased in areas where GMO crops have been used, especially issues dealing with the immune system.

Monsanto and other AgraChemical companies have one of the largest lobbyist groups in DC and spent millions of $$ each year on politicing.

All the studies they do are very short term and are on animals. People metabolize chemicals differently.

90 countries worldwide have banned GM products.

I could go on and on here. Research some of the articles by Dr. Mercola, Dr Sears.


Chillin' with the herd
Oct 4, 2012
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Noblesville, Indiana
Here is a perspective from some one who works with gentics. I understand the process. I personally have created GMO organism in the lab with the DNA of two different animals. I don't feel that there is ethically anything wrong with creating GMO organisms in a lab environment. We have learned more about genetics from created GMO organisms then any other form of genetic study. It is vital for research purposes to have access to this technology. I also don't feel that there is substantial evidence to say that the pure act of modifying an organisms DNA does any thing to make it harmful. (though some studies are suggesting differently) Things like golden rice which take beta carotene something we all need to live and have rice produce it I don't have any issue with. However when you have companies like Monsanto that are taking genes they find in bacteria in there industrial waste ponds and putting it into food there is a problem. Being resistant to an herbicide is not something that just happens while a plant is growing. The plant produces a chemical that helps digest those herbicides. That chemical stays in the food no mater what you do with. So now you have the problem that any chemical they can produce with a gene they can start sticking into peoples food and they don't have to tell you about it. That should be illegal. No company should have the right to put unlabeled chemicals into the food supply with out alerting their buyers that they are doing so.

It is a bit of a sad state right now because people scream about the evils of GMO when they don't really understand what it is. Yes people should be very upset about what they are putting in our food. But at the same time people trying to fire bomb green houses because they have some mix of broccoli and bananas or what not growing in them is out of control and not ok. I think this issue is a lot like the animals rights issues before any of the regulations where put into place. You have the companies that don't care who they hurt they answer to the gods of profit and nothing else. You have the extreme wackos who want to shut it down at all costs no mater who they hurt in the process, and then you have a lot of regular everyday people stuck in the middle trying to figure out who to listen too. They are not going to stop growing GMO crops any more then they are going to stop testing on animals. But what we can push for is regulation, industry transparency and actual responsible testing and over site.

Me personally I try to avoid buying GMO, we purchased a farm this summer and are beginning to produce as much of our own food as possible to avoid exposure to it. But there will always be the Wall-mart low prices above anything else set that simply is not going to care. Sadly GMO is here to stay and I think it is a real shame it is being used so unethically and managed so poorly. The whole issue really highlights everything that is wrong with the American agriculture system.


Herd Master
Dec 19, 2009
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North Central Texas
Look folks, so very sorry I brought up the topic. All I wanted to know is what was the fuss about. I did not know what the fuss was about. All I ever saw was posters referring to GMO as though it was something evil.

Shame on me for being too busy trying to keep my home, feed my family, and take the best care I can of my animals. I just don't have the time, energy, or the money to keep up on all topics.

Shall not bother you much better educated folks with my ignorant questions.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Those of us offering a little insight on the subject are sharing because we care....and want others to know.

I am barely learning for myself...Until recently, I had NO idea how severely we were being impacted. I knew that nutritionally we are being shortchanged in our foods. I knew that weedkillers and pesticides were/are much more dangerous than most people seem to think, my husband included...He thinks that our government wouldn't approve things for us average schmoes to use if they were so toxic....(sigh)

I never would have guessed that genetic modification was anything like it actually is.....I had assumed all these years that it is much more like selective breeding....How very wrong was I!!!!

Educating myself (and sharing with others what I find) is important, especially when other people use their money and position to make decisions that literally affect me, my family that I love very much, and everyone else....GMOs affect me and you and most every american in many different ways, even though I NEVER gave my permission to put them in my foods or those of my pets and livestock.......Or to plant them in open pollinated areas where they are currently contaminating even some formerly organic fields....such a shame!

To anyone that is mildly interested...Please keep looking, reading and using your own good common sense. If you don't have time to do all the research yourself, and who does?.....listen to your friends that do, you know the ones......Those friends that try and tell you about all the studies and the tests and the problems......and maybe try and convince you to write to government officials to try and change the laws.....

Animalmom.....You care enough to ask....Many will learn from just the tiny bit of info shared on this thread, and /or will be inspired to learn more or listen more carefully when the subject comes up later on the radio or in the news....It is all good to get started thinking about important things like this...We all start to learn somewhere with some small bit of info and go from there.......I wish everyone the best of luck in finding the truth and better health for it!