Get Replamin Plus. Give her 5cc once a week. I have been seeing some good results with it. I have also been reading quite a bit on how happy other people are with it. It is a vitamin/mineral gel.
As its getting dark this evening, I called to her to come up from the woods and she marched across the pasture looking pretty strong and better than I've seen in a while. She stopped half way and took a little break, then continued across the pasture to her night time nesting spot closer to the barn and settled down for bedtime.
I guess she's not ready to go yet? I guess that means I shouldn't give up on her either.
I think its a good sign that she ventured so far from her usual grazing areas today and went wandering. Apparently she had the strength to travel that far in the first place and was curious enough to want to. She was strong enough to make her way back, so maybe she's improving or at least still stands a chance?
JUST KIDDING! WOW.... makes my heart happy! Lil stinker... doesn't she know how many people are worried about her? and she goes missing!
Hoping she keeps on improving!
If you can have blood drawn I would get a mineral analysis done, and the Johnnes. Neither is very expensive, usually... unless your vet really jacks up the submission fees.
Mineral analysis will tell you what she is lacking or too high in. Most state labs will also run fecals for a few dollars.
Well I got up this morning, found her down on her side. I thought she was dead. I put her up on her chest, but she won't get up on her own. I took a fecal sample (her poos are clumpy today, not runny) to the vet and waited for the results. They found nothing. Not a single thing in her sample. Two techs looked at it and the large animal vet triple checked. Nothing.
I called the large animal vet when I got home and discussed the situation further with her. She said I've pretty much done everything that could be done and all we can do now is test her for Johnes and/put her out of her misery.
The vet is on her way right now, should be here within 20 minutes or so.
I'm so sorry sweetie. I dearly hope it is not Johnes, if it is though you will need to test your whole herd and cull. It will also stay in your ground awhile I believe.
I've seen it in dairy cattle and they can be just fine for years, then yoyo for awhile then suddenly crash.