Your dad is right and I am sure he cares a lot about you. Horses can be expensive and time consuming. I am sure your dad knows how much you love horses and enjoy your lessons but maybe he just doesn't have the money and it wouldn't be right to demand for a horse when your parents are having a hard time paying the bills. Even if that isn't the case, horse ownership is not for everybody. I had to give up a lot of priviliges once I had horses. If you read people's comments here, a lot of them did not buy their first horse until they were well in their twenties. At that time you usually start making your own money, have an idea of what you want in life and once their plans take shape they realize whether or not they are ready for a horse. Enjoy your lessons for now as this means you can go home at night not having to worry about feeding, cleaning or paying for the vet bills of the horse you ridebella1210 said:i want a horse too but my dad says they much work and there is not much room for a horse.