Where did you get your stainless milk pail?


Purple Cow/Moderator
Golden Herd Member
Jul 3, 2008
Reaction score
BC, Washington border
want less said:
We returned a stainless milk pail to a company for a replacement because after a few days of gentle use (hot water/clorox cleaning & milking one doe), it started to show pit holes that seeped rust. And then the replacement did the same thing. (paid ~$25 for this pail from a goat supply company)

Meanwhile, we ordered two pails from another place and after a couple of days we are also finding pit holes with seeping rust (these two new pails were made by a different company). (paid ~$10 each for these pails from a livestock supply company... cheap, but they are actually much better quality that the above $25 pail by a long shot even though they too rusted)

:barnie I'm amazed. We are following the fiasco farms cleaning routine (soak in hot water with a splash of bleach for a few minutes, then air dry) with no abrasive scrubbers or cleaners. But if you leave water sitting in them for even a couple of hours tops, you start seeing bubbles of rust forming on the surfaces.

So. Where did you get your pail? I need one that will last but that I don't have to make car size payments on :/ I need a 2qt and a 4-6qt size.
If you are getting RUST then they aren't all stainless pails.