Southern by choice
Herd Master
Put him on a lead. Take him out and walk him, keep walking him. walk him more. When he is tired walk him more. Keep walking him.
This brings about submission and you are the leader.
If it continues where he "jumps" you, butts you etc. Put him in the freezer. PERIOD!
@B&B Happy goats
Now, being in your lap- yes, understandable . lol but the rest. No. I will say BB's are nibblers for an extremely long time and that is frustrating and gets old quick.
Hitting you or any butting at all and that is never ok and actually pretty unusual for a BB. Weird.
My goats care less about being sprayed for the most part. Some enjoy it.
This brings about submission and you are the leader.
If it continues where he "jumps" you, butts you etc. Put him in the freezer. PERIOD!
@B&B Happy goats
Bottle babies should be that obnoxious. They should learn respect while being bottle fed.This has been my experience with bottle babies....Lilly, the last bottle baby is now six months old, when i go and sit with my girls she HAS to be on my lap, if she is not the first onto play area i get the little bites on my arm or the foot hitting me for attention....if thats not working i would get a little horn butt on me...
Now, being in your lap- yes, understandable . lol but the rest. No. I will say BB's are nibblers for an extremely long time and that is frustrating and gets old quick.
Hitting you or any butting at all and that is never ok and actually pretty unusual for a BB. Weird.
My goats care less about being sprayed for the most part. Some enjoy it.