Overrun with beasties
I LOVE my hair sheep. I have katahdin barbados crosses. They are VERY friendly around humans and other animals. They also serve their purpose and eat TONS of grass. I have 13 on 3 acres and i dont think they have enough grass.... ( SIGH ) i may have to sell some
I have one bottle baby that is the sweetest thing ever he still wants to get my lap even though he is a good 75 pounds.
Hair sheep are a good choice if you are lazy ( like me ) and dont want to shear sheep. It is actually very hard to shear sheep. Hair sheep are well suited for the south also.
I have one bottle baby that is the sweetest thing ever he still wants to get my lap even though he is a good 75 pounds.
Hair sheep are a good choice if you are lazy ( like me ) and dont want to shear sheep. It is actually very hard to shear sheep. Hair sheep are well suited for the south also.