Herd Master
Was hoping to vote again 
And I will continue to say my sheep are smart...and sometimes brats!!!! I was moving them alone this morning from the paddock to the big pasture...feed bucket in one hand, and BBgun for Watson the errant ram in the other hand...all know the routine and usually could do it without stupid bantam rooster decided to run at them with his crew following him and the sheep thought that looked like great fun...chickens scatter off with the lambs following them
Shake my feed bucket and call them and only Watson comes...charging the bucket...stupidly I hold the bucket up...yeah...of course he's going to jump up to try get it...doh...finally got them all in the pasture, closed the gate and told them they were all very, very stupid sheep 
And I will continue to say my sheep are smart...and sometimes brats!!!! I was moving them alone this morning from the paddock to the big pasture...feed bucket in one hand, and BBgun for Watson the errant ram in the other hand...all know the routine and usually could do it without stupid bantam rooster decided to run at them with his crew following him and the sheep thought that looked like great fun...chickens scatter off with the lambs following them