From those pics she doesnt look to be pregnant - but I cant see the goop you are talking about either. Best way to know for sure is take her to the vet. If those doelings were 3 - 4 mths old and around the buck then it is possible they are bred. I would test both to be sure. Breeding to the father isnt a disaster - their age/size is more of a concern.
Seriously...there is no way to know unless you get a test. You can ponder it all you want, but you simply will not know unless A) you get a test or B) she kids in 5 months.
I agree. There's no magic method to find out whether she's bred or not. I spent 5 months guessing this spring on whether one of my does was bred, right up until a couple of weeks before she freshened with a gorgeous buckling. She was really good at hiding all the "obvious" signs to look for, like easily recognizable heat cycles, developing an udder and smoothing out of the vulva and did not look pregnant at all. That girl just about drove me nuts. So you will have to play the waiting game if you don't have her tested.