WhiteMountainsRanch Kidding/Journal Thread; Summer Update


Loving the herd life
Mar 5, 2012
Reaction score
Southern California
babsbag said:
WhiteMountainsRanch said:
Mossy Stone Farm said:
ohhhh gezzz, i am sorry about all those death from the snakes ( i hate snakes)
But i am shocked one little one lived, the snake must have not had enough venom left after strikeing so many?

How can you keep them ( the snakes away) any natural methods or do you just have to kill when seen?

Thats one thing we do not have up here in soggy land is rattlers at least on this side of the mountains...

That's what we were thinking, the snake must have struck so much it "ran out" of venom, and only had a tiny little bit for the very last bunny. :/

There is no way to keep them away, really. If they are on our property we kill them. They aren't endangered or protected or anything. We've dispatched 8 so far this year. Fortunately, they are the only venomous snakes around here and are easy to spot (or hear). We don't have any that "can fool you".
Did I send you the email about the rattlesnake aversion training for your dogs? I know you vaccinate them, but my vet isn't sold on that vaccine, she says the studies were done with a different kind of rattlesnake and that there was no control group. IDK. Fortunately we haven't seen many on our land, I keep EVERYTHING picked up and I hear that the Guineas are supposed to help too. I really should redo the aversion training.

When my LGD was a pup there was a huge snake in the field, not sure if rattler or gopher as I was too far away, but from the size I would guess rattler. She actually came when I called her off of her interest in him, I was so so glad. Then the snake got through the fence and gone before I could ID it. I am sure my dogs would interface with a snake given a chance. It is scarey.

I am pretty sure that a neighbors goat got bit by one a few weeks ago. Horribly swollen face and chest, but didn't die. Couldn't find a bite, but that is the only thing that would explain the sudden swollen area. It was decided that the puncture could have swollen shut, again IDK. No experience, Thank God.

Just be very very careful.

Hi B,

Sorry I kept meaning to get back to you, yes you did send me the info on the rattlesnake aversion training, it's a great idea. I've seen signs all over town for it here, so we're going to call them and get a price quote after we get our new baby girl. It'd be a great idea, especially since we've had SO many of them this year. :/

I've seen so many rattlesnake bites at the vet I used to work at that I can instantly spot them and the signs. (That's why I didn't think that's what happened to Maya), but it does sound like what happened to your neighbors goat. :/ Glad it was ok!

Also I have seen firsthand the "effects" of the rattlesnake vaccine, and I can say that 9 out of 10 times it WILL help reduce the effects of the venom on the animal, lessening the severity, and helping the animal to not have as traumatic experience (ie, less tissue damage, etc). The vaccine isn't a cure, or even a preventative, but it will make your pet more likely to live if it does get bit. You'll still need to go to the vet and possibly use antivenin in the event of a bite though.


Loving the herd life
Mar 5, 2012
Reaction score
Southern California
We were finally able to find another LGD pup down here in Southern California! They are located 5 hours away from us but the owners father is willing to meet us closer! Woo hoo! :celebrate I've talked to the owner extensively and we have finally put down our deposit on a new baby female Anatolian Shepherd! :weee She is coming right off a working farm, but she is only 6 weeks old so won't be coming home for two more weeks. Can't wait to meet her! :love

Here is our baby on the left! She is a "pied" or "piebald" Anatolian:

Here is the Dam:

Here is the Sire:

And here is the Sire's Dam:



Loving the herd life
Mar 5, 2012
Reaction score
Southern California
Our youngest Blackbelly Ewe gave birth early this morning to two chocolate twin lambies! One boy and one girl.... will post pics soon!!! :D

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