My girl who is due the middle of March is coming along nicely. She is huge, already starting to look uncomfortable and just yesterday I noticed her udder starting to develop. She dried off quickly after being bred and her udder was totally flat, now she just has a small little bump of an udder.
My Brandy, due March 5, is HUGE. This will be her second freshening, and I am betting on at least trips. Her udder is just this little handful, but it is coming along. She is eating everything in sight if she can, and when she walks she already swings from side to side. Sure hope she doesn't bust.
My Lamancha doe aborted at the begining of this month
My Nigerian Dwarf is looking very pregnant, She had twins last time, I am figureing the same again. Due March 22
My Oberhasli is not looking pregnant at all However she didn't really "look" pregnant or develop an early udder much last time and was bred to a nubian that was about 150lbs. This time she is bred to a tiny Nigerian dwarf. She is due March 17th. She has definietly not come back into heat(she is very obnoxious when in heat), So I am not sure.
My Nubian/Alpine doe is barely showing. Her belly is hanging a little lower then normal. No udder still.... Geeze I hope she didn't abort without me knowing.
I have one ff boer that is now wider than she is tall and she isn't due for another 6 weeks. I am praying that it is multiples and not one big one. She is not a big girl.
I have one that I just had confirmed bred, but no idea when she is due. I don't remember putting her in with the buck unitl Dec. so it could be a while, but then again, it could be in March along with most everyone else. I have 7 or 8 does due in March and the other 2 or 3 due the beginnin of April. It is going to be a long and busy March.
Luckily my son is home for awhile so I can put him on kid watch while I am at work. Not sure he would recognize a doe in labor, but I think he will recognize one being born.