Roll farms
Spot Master
One of our Obs freshened w/a hard udder....Not just congested, but wierd / hard / lumpy.
I did some research and one of the possible reasons for it *could* be CAE. I bought her as a kid from a CAE free herd, so I was a little concerned.
I decided I'd go ahead and test the entire herd, just so I'd'd been 6 years since we tested anyone.
The good news: Jinx, the Ob, doesn't have CAE.
BUT...3 of our does are positive.
Here's the strange part:
Doodle, one of the biggest, healthiest does we have, with the nicest postitive.
Her dam, Dolly...was negative. Her 2 sisters (different births, same dam) are negative.
Puffy, who was negative at 1 yr old and who's dam STILL tests positive.
Missy, who's dam we also own, is positive...her dam is negative.
Where the hay did they get it????????????
(I use new needles when vaccinating, etc.)
I also had them test copper levels, both to see if our goat mineral is working and because one or two black goats just alway look a little deficient to me....I had them test one doe who looks "good" and one who looks "bad" so I'd have a comparison.
The one who looks good, is in the "good to high" range.
The doe who looks 'bad'....HAS TOXIC HIGH LEVELS.....*slaps forehead*
I've been hitting her w/ Red Cell and adding copper sulfate to the water...guess I better stop that, eh?
The toxicity symptoms can mimic the deficiency symptoms....I was giving her more and more when she needed cut back....argh.
Still waiting on the selenium level results....
Just thought I'd share the wierd phenom of having CAE pos. does out of CAE neg dams....who also have CAE neg siblings....
We do CAE prev. raise also....but Missy and Puffy weren't born here, so I can't *swear* they were....but Doodle definitely was...
*scratches head til she's bald*
For the record, NONE of these girls are going anywhere....they're asymptomatic and favorites of ours.
I did some research and one of the possible reasons for it *could* be CAE. I bought her as a kid from a CAE free herd, so I was a little concerned.
I decided I'd go ahead and test the entire herd, just so I'd'd been 6 years since we tested anyone.
The good news: Jinx, the Ob, doesn't have CAE.
BUT...3 of our does are positive.
Here's the strange part:
Doodle, one of the biggest, healthiest does we have, with the nicest postitive.
Her dam, Dolly...was negative. Her 2 sisters (different births, same dam) are negative.
Puffy, who was negative at 1 yr old and who's dam STILL tests positive.
Missy, who's dam we also own, is positive...her dam is negative.
Where the hay did they get it????????????
(I use new needles when vaccinating, etc.)
I also had them test copper levels, both to see if our goat mineral is working and because one or two black goats just alway look a little deficient to me....I had them test one doe who looks "good" and one who looks "bad" so I'd have a comparison.
The one who looks good, is in the "good to high" range.
The doe who looks 'bad'....HAS TOXIC HIGH LEVELS.....*slaps forehead*
I've been hitting her w/ Red Cell and adding copper sulfate to the water...guess I better stop that, eh?
The toxicity symptoms can mimic the deficiency symptoms....I was giving her more and more when she needed cut back....argh.
Still waiting on the selenium level results....
Just thought I'd share the wierd phenom of having CAE pos. does out of CAE neg dams....who also have CAE neg siblings....
We do CAE prev. raise also....but Missy and Puffy weren't born here, so I can't *swear* they were....but Doodle definitely was...
*scratches head til she's bald*
For the record, NONE of these girls are going anywhere....they're asymptomatic and favorites of ours.