Ridin' The Range
I'm in centeral WI, south of Stevens Point. We have bunnies, chickens, cats and one dog!
Yeah, another Wisconsinite!!!! Where are you located? I'm about 35 NW of Green Bay. I've only been on here for a few months, but everyone has been very helpful and fun.RAIMNEL said:HI, just wanted to introduce myself
Im Amy, the A part of Raimnel lol
I have been on BYC for over a year now, ok I just went and checked lol, I've been there for almost 2 years! lol 2 years this weekend. that is funny cause this weekend is our WI 2nd annual bash. too funny
Anyways, I have 1 DH, 5 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 goats (got this May), 3 ducks, (they're trying to hatch somemore ) and somewhere around 160 chickens/chicks. my oldest chickens are nearing 2 years and my youngest are just a couple weeks (2 mama brahma's have these) others are 1 year and some hatched this spring.
hope to be here some although it looks like none is here much.
from New Jersey.Tatter said:Hello everyone, I'm living in Hamburg, a small farming community in Marathon county, which is west of Wausau. I don't have any animals yet but am working on it. I hope to one day have a few dairy goats (miniature nubians) and if I can, a mule as well. It's pretty difficult to figure out how to set up my small hobby farm as I live on 40 acres (37 acres of woods, 3 acres of field). The area is not at all set-up like a traditional farm yard, so I have to do some creative thinking to incorporate the off-grid lifestyle I'm working towards. I also plan to have about 15 chickens, hence I'm a transient from And before anyone says to invest in meat goats, I'm a soap maker, so I need the goats milk
Tatter said:Hello everyone, I'm living in Hamburg, a small farming community in Marathon county, which is west of Wausau. I don't have any animals yet but am working on it. I hope to one day have a few dairy goats (miniature nubians) and if I can, a mule as well. It's pretty difficult to figure out how to set up my small hobby farm as I live on 40 acres (37 acres of woods, 3 acres of field). The area is not at all set-up like a traditional farm yard, so I have to do some creative thinking to incorporate the off-grid lifestyle I'm working towards. I also plan to have about 15 chickens, hence I'm a transient from And before anyone says to invest in meat goats, I'm a soap maker, so I need the goats milk