Loving the herd life
Good luck to you!!!!
Just curious. What's a Royalty exam? Is this interview for learning to judge? Wishing you well in your interview.woodleighcreek said:Had a pretty good day for one that started off so crappy. All three of my junior agoutis got DQed for being underweight. Here are the results for the remaining three: Hummingbird Heartbeat-7/14. Vegas-22/35 Suka-9/17.
After the show I sold Suka and one of my agouti does Kissie. Then we had our royalty exams. I thought I did pretty well on it, and Ir turned out I did because...
I GOT AN INTERVIEW! Only the top 20 get an interview, and there are 50+ competeing for Dutchess. I am so excited! In order to get an interview, one has to do well in judging, breed ID, management/achievement/leadership application, and the written test.