Overrun with beasties
I'm looking for some good work boots that are sturdy, long-lasting, supportive, flexible, and NOT HOT.
I have a pair of Muck boots that I wear to do barn chores and muddy/messy tasks, but in the summer they make my whole lower legs sweat and add probably 5 degrees to my body temperature. Plus they have no real foot/arch support. I want to avoid wearing them all day long if I can.
I have a pair of tennis shoes that are great for wearing to go walking or shopping, but are not very sturdy or waterproof for tasks like putting in a pig fence or building a garden bed.
I have a pair of Vasque Gore-Tex (hiking?) boots that were given to me, which are waterproof and sturdy but have never softened up or conformed to my feet in two years of wearing them, and give me blisters and knee/hip aches when I wear them for more than a day at a time. Plus they don't bend or flex, so it's hard to kneel and do any garden work in them.
What boots do you use for messy, all-day, outside, summer work??
I have a pair of Muck boots that I wear to do barn chores and muddy/messy tasks, but in the summer they make my whole lower legs sweat and add probably 5 degrees to my body temperature. Plus they have no real foot/arch support. I want to avoid wearing them all day long if I can.
I have a pair of tennis shoes that are great for wearing to go walking or shopping, but are not very sturdy or waterproof for tasks like putting in a pig fence or building a garden bed.
I have a pair of Vasque Gore-Tex (hiking?) boots that were given to me, which are waterproof and sturdy but have never softened up or conformed to my feet in two years of wearing them, and give me blisters and knee/hip aches when I wear them for more than a day at a time. Plus they don't bend or flex, so it's hard to kneel and do any garden work in them.
What boots do you use for messy, all-day, outside, summer work??