Worryingly Lethargic Goat


Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
NE Ohio
Glad Bonnie and her kid are doing well! Do you know Bonnie's vaccination history? The kid should have a CDT shot at about 6 to 8 weeks, then another 2 to 4 weeks later. If you don't know if Bonnie's ever been vaccinated, she'll need a series of 2 shots as well (if she was vaccinated, one shot yearly, ideally a month before kidding, would be good).

Addy losing her appetite would worry me. Livestock seldom gets 'depressed' in the way we think of it. Physical symptoms almost always have a physical cause. Did you ever get a temperature on her? What color are the insides of her lower eyelids? (light or pale pink tells you she's anemic). How is her weight? We'd love to see a picture of her.

I hope Scout feels better soon. Did you ever get a temperature on her? Did she pass the placenta? If she didn't she could have infection starting in there. Please keep a close eye on her, it can go toxic quickly. An untreated retained placenta can make it hard or impossible for her to get pregnant and kid again.

I know you love your goats, I'm sorry you're having troubles like this.


Overrun with beasties
Nov 19, 2016
Reaction score
Glad Bonnie and her kid are doing well! Do you know Bonnie's vaccination history? The kid should have a CDT shot at about 6 to 8 weeks, then another 2 to 4 weeks later. If you don't know if Bonnie's ever been vaccinated, she'll need a series of 2 shots as well (if she was vaccinated, one shot yearly, ideally a month before kidding, would be good).

Addy losing her appetite would worry me. Livestock seldom gets 'depressed' in the way we think of it. Physical symptoms almost always have a physical cause. Did you ever get a temperature on her? What color are the insides of her lower eyelids? (light or pale pink tells you she's anemic). How is her weight? We'd love to see a picture of her.

I hope Scout feels better soon. Did you ever get a temperature on her? Did she pass the placenta? If she didn't she could have infection starting in there. Please keep a close eye on her, it can go toxic quickly. An untreated retained placenta can make it hard or impossible for her to get pregnant and kid again.

I know you love your goats, I'm sorry you're having troubles like this.
I've had Bonnie since she was a few months old, and she is 5 and 1/2 now. Never been vaccinated but I'm supposed to be able to get eveyone in shortly.

I am still very confused as if Addy is getting better or worse. She is eating but only whenever I feed her away from the others and if I set it right in front of her. I haven't been able to get close enough to check her in any of those ways but I've been working on it I promise. I wish for the best health in all of them.

As for Scout, I tried to see if she had any milk in her udders but there was none, not even a few hours after birth. Is this because it was a premature baby? (The baby was born half the size of Nonna and hooves weren't even formed properly yet) I checked all around the pen the day after and saw a huge wet/bloody spot inside their shelter but there was no placenta. Perhaps she ate it? And she seemed to have stopped trying to push and was seemingly more full of energy. I have been watching her as much as I can though. Everything seems normal as of right now