I'm new to raising bunnies so any help would be appreciated. My doe kindled 6 kits about 24 hrs ago. She seems to be a good momma as she's made a nice nest and continues to pull her hair (it's all over her cage), but the babies don't look like they have eaten. At what point should I intervene? If I intervene is it best to put her on her back and put the kits on top of her? Last question she is in a rabbit tractor on the ground the nest is in a completely enclosed area and the kits have plenty of fur around/on them but we are having a cold snap. Is it ok to have them outside? Sorry for all the questions I just don't want to mess up anything this first crucial week. Thanks!
I'm new to raising bunnies so any help would be appreciated. My doe kindled 6 kits about 24 hrs ago. She seems to be a good momma as she's made a nice nest and continues to pull her hair (it's all over her cage), but the babies don't look like they have eaten. At what point should I intervene? If I intervene is it best to put her on her back and put the kits on top of her? Last question she is in a rabbit tractor on the ground the nest is in a completely enclosed area and the kits have plenty of fur around/on them but we are having a cold snap. Is it ok to have them outside? Sorry for all the questions I just don't want to mess up anything this first crucial week. Thanks!