I am looking to buy a female baby bottle goat. Not wanting to pay more than 50$. I'm looking for a pet, I will give her a happy, healthy, loving forever home!
I don't have anyother goats, but I do have a golden retriever and a great pyranesse both were friends with my last pygmy. They slept together at night and played in the baby pool on hot days, and they went on walks together. I am also considering getting a pot belly, and if I do they will go out in the barn together!
I'd be very cautious about putting a pig with a goat or dog. Pigs, when they get angry, can be very vicious. I've heard of dogs, goats, and even a horse being killed by a sweet little pig............
Thanks for the tip about pigs I had no clue! But I am not worried at all about my dogs with goats, both dogs were raised with goats and sheep, my pyrnease mix was actually nursed by a goat (don't ask the goat was odd LoL) and golden retriever let's hamsters, ferrets,& rabbits crawl all over him, he is the most gentle dog ever.