Still no babies at 6 AM this morning... UGH! Iam getting ready to go check on her again.. Crossing my fingers she'll go soon!!
Thanks everyone for the compliments on the sire. He is sire is a TX TwinCreeks buck and his dam is a Doubletree doe. So he has some good lines for milk behind him. I recently sold him to add some different lines to my herd. But he is right down the road and is owned by HeavenlyAcres Farm (they have a FaceBook) they did buy a Mini Nubian doe who was bred to him and she had BEAUTIFUL marked kids twin does at that one had blue eyes even!!
So I just cannot WAIT to see these babies as they will be purebred Nigerian Dwarfs!!
Anyway... We are still waiting and I feel like I am getting
Xeno kidded around 5:50 with 1 single buck kid He will be FOR SALE once he is weaned from momma. This is a BIG buckling that is very beautiful! He even has BLUE eyes like his sire!!