Yankee'N'Moxie--My life with horses and chickens...


Ridin' The Range
Aug 29, 2011
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That's true! LOL... But we are going to get our dresses fitted tomorrow, so maybe the seamstress can pull it up just slightly. Thank you for the suggestion I will mention it to her... She does love me that much, she just has a pretty strict view of what she wants her wedding to be like. I'm sure that she can find a little "stretch room"!


Ridin' The Range
Aug 29, 2011
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Just wanted to run a quick update on what's going on around here...

The horses are acting unusually "fruity". I tie them up to eat they grain, so that they don't steal from each other, and they seem to be afraid of the noise that the fence handle makes when I go under the strands of wire. They keep jumping away from the post that they are tied to and hitting the end of the rope with a force that is wrecking my fence. I have had to start tying them in the run-in (where they don't seem to be afraid). The issue with that is that 1) It is very muddy in there ( it is the season) and 2) the mare has figured out how to get herself sideways (putting her putt right where the gelding is trying to eat) and weave, a very bad habit of hers, that I can't seem to break. She does this until I go get her a let her go. I have tried to wait for her to stop, but it doesn't work. She did it for a half hour, at which point I was forced to give up, I have other responsibilities to tend to.... Oh well.

On a better note, I finally started the mealworm farm for the chickens! I have been talking about doing this for months! Finally started it off with 100 mealworms! Can't wait to see what happens!!


Ridin' The Range
Aug 29, 2011
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Hey everyone!

I just realized that I forgot all about this, and haven't updated for a long time!!

So, the horses are good. Calming down a lot, and ready for the first trim of the season! Got to call the farrier about coming out! I am starting to ride and we are going to look at a saddle tomorrow morning. If we are riding both horses at the same time, one of us has always had to go bareback (not fun on excitable horses), so now we found a second saddle for a decent price! YAY!!

I am so excited because I set eggs in my incubator and they are due next Wednesday! And I have a broody that could be hatching any day now... She disappeared awhile ago and i thought that something had eaten her, but then I found her sitting on eggs, so I don't know when she is due exactly! I also have a broody that is due on Sunday, but I am not too optimistic about her hatch. I went in the coop multiple time to find her in another box and her eggs cold. :( Hoping for the best though! :D