

Overrun with beasties
May 15, 2010
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You might check to see what it would cost to put in electric service on a pole. Then you could put up portable sheds, the electric fence to keep stock inside, run lamps for youngstock if needed. The electric bill would be sent to you for payment.

We have a lot of barns, fields, with just a pole, power box with outlets on it to run electric for the fencer, well, stuff needed for winter animal keeping.

Cost of the pole and service installation for electric service can vary a bunch. Could be totally worth it though for use of that field. Sure would be safer than running long cords, trying to keep stuff unfrozen in winter. No you "can't take service with you" when you quit renting, but having the electric handy will make your life easier. If things are kept to one side of the property, out of the way of equipment usage, should not make electric service be a problem for owner. Getting in to plow or mow, is why they don't want permanent stuff put in. Then you can get service STOPPED, name and account removed from records when you quit using the field. Make sure to do that, so you are not surprised with a bill later.

You might consider just using the fields in warm weather. Time your births for good weather, let the babies grow over there all summer, market before cold arrives. Then bring the does home for winter, keep close to your house for easier care in freezing temps. Sure LOTS easier to haul water distances, using extra time, in warm weather and not need to do all the other stuff winter forces you to for the animals good health.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Emmetts Dairy said:
Depending on where you live 60w wont heat a chicken coop in cold weather. I too..would invest in your property and lease for pasture area...makes things easier on yourself not harder.

Good luck in what you decide.
I didn't mean this for heat, but for additional light to prolong laying for chickens.


Ridin' The Range
Dec 17, 2010
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You should be able to build a shed or small barn that has its own floor and is on a "sled" - some 2x4's with the ends rounded. So you could hook it up to a truck or tractor and pull it onto/off of the land. If is can fit on a trailer - kudos! - then you can haul it with you if/when you move to a better property in the future.


Chillin' with the herd
Dec 22, 2010
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NC Ohio
Ninny said:
Most likly we will just have chickens and a couple goats. I dont heat chicken coops. If you build it right they stay warm. We rent our house and can't have critters other then the dogs. Our rent is so cheap theres no way we can find a house with land for what we are paying now. Our rent and bills plus the rent for land wont even be near what we were paying for our house payments.
Are you sure about that? I would look into buying a little closer just to make sure. You may end up with a lot of money wrapped up to get your rented land usable and then lose the option for rent on one of he pieces of land.

We just bought a 2200 s.f. house on 7 ac with 3 outbuildings and our payents are about half of what it would cost to rent a similar house. In doing so we are reorginizing things some, selling our rental house, and selling the house we are currently in, but keeping the 12 acres of field to farm for ourself.

My point is that your rental setup may seem great now, but that could change kinda quick so you may want to be carefull about how you approach this.