Herd Master
Wrecked my bike running late to work. Rear tire bounced up bike landed sideways flipped and slammed my elbow in the ground. You could've put a beer can in that hole LITERALLY. Bull riding 5 days later bad idea.
Ok you win!
Would that be that beautiful Belgian Blue bull? He's built like the proverbial brick outhouse. Steaks anyone? Bet he throws some awesome calves!Most recently my brother is trying to halter brake his yearling bull. I'm training my heifer and steer to ride and pull. Any way he put a chain on the bull as a lead rope I took him home and while unloading he hit the end of the chain in the pen he went from 1 end to the other back into the trailer my hand caught somethin. A real Dr. would have put a few internal stitches then 8-12 outside. I got tired of trying to get the needle through the skin and stopped at 2. DW had to hold the skin down while trying to get the needle back up and through.
I could make a long list on here of similar.
I crashed my motor bike 4 days back, fuel tank pinned my knee and elbow down and the bike spun, and in my stupidity, after i got my leg out from under it, there was traffic coming so I kicked the bike onto the side of the road using my bad knee, causing it to pop sideways. So I came out of that with bruised ribs a partially dislocated/ crushed knee, sprained wrist and more bruises than a dalmatian has spots.
I was helping a friend exercise an over Weight 17 hand Clydesdale, and when I tried getting him to move so I could pick up one of his hoofs in response he pick up his hoof and put it down on my foot and then leaned on my foot with all his weight.... I couldn't walk for quite a while after that
When I as trying to get past two dairy cows to get through a gate by their heads, both girls decided to close the gap between them as I was about halfway through and squished me between them. The farmer somehow rescued me... I have a new respect for how heavy those girls are...