I've been away for a few months occupied with work, teenagers, and the farm. Wanted to jump on for a few minutes to say that today is the official due date for almost all of our does - should be interesting to see if any of them actually hit the 145 day target.
Abbey, one of our FF, had the first kids of the season yesterday evening. Two beautiful tri-colored does (a lovely way to start the season!). I'll post pics as soon as I can get some good ones. The lighting in our barn leaves a lot to be desired, and because it's very cloudy and stormy today, the lighting doesn't seem to be much better than it was last night.
We have four other girls that have ligaments that have gone and udders that are quickly filling, and they are having some contractions, staring off, stretching, occasionally hollering. No hard labor yet, but I think there is a very good chance at least one or two of them will go sometime later today.
Oh, BTW, regarding the previous post, Lucy is one of our does.