'You've Got to Be Kidding!' One More Down and One to Go- Honey Dreame Farms


True BYH Addict
Jul 30, 2013
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North Texas
Well, the three does I swore were going first are still all stuck in the birthing stalls in the barn enjoying being waited on hand and foot, and other than looking extremely puffy and loose with the occasional contraction and tummy stretch, seem to be taking it easy. Maybe...just maybe... one or more of them will pop tonight. :fl

On the other hand, Ami, whose due date was today, but whose ligaments had been very firm and very 'there' every time I checked her the past week, surprised us by becoming the first Mommy of the season last night. Earlier in the day, I noticed her starting to holler a bunch and separate herself from the other goats. I figured she was only one day away from her due date, her ligaments were softer than they had been, but she had no other physical signs. I wrangled up some fencing pieces and made a make-shift birthing stall in the loafing shed, just in case, thinking she might go in a few days and the other girls would still be occupying the stalls in the barn. After getting her settled, I went inside and took a shower (since I'd been mucking the loafing shed), and then ate my dinner. It was maybe 30-40 minutes tops. I sent DD out to give the goats the extra cabbage from our St. Patty's dinner, and she called me on her cell to tell me that Ami had had twins and was cleaning them off. I dashed out to help dry them and weigh them.

What a surprise! Two little doelings - a lovely way to start kidding season!

I'll post pics later - I just wanted to share the good news! Got to run and go check on my maternity ward in the barn. ;)


Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
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NE Ohio
Congrats on the doelings - do you get the feeling they plotted all this out?


True BYH Addict
Jul 30, 2013
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North Texas
Well,they looked like does to me at first glance - before I held them- built fairly dainty; however, the larger of the two was more top heavy, so she had me wondering before I checked. Lol - the theory may turn out to be bunk :hu, but I'm going to keep up the guessing game just for the fun of it. :D

The pics aren't the best - terrible lighting, I was using the camera on my phone, and of course, no one wanted to stay still.

The larger doe is a very obvious tri-color, and the smaller is light brown with a black racing stripe (like mama), but she has a couple of small white spots on her side and a bit of white frosting on her ears. In our alphabet naming convention - we are starting with "A," and we think we're naming the small one Aurora and the bigger one, Azure.

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Clyde, our youngest LGD, is adorable with the babies. He was a puppy last year, and he loved them then too, but he has matured a bunch! When I went out to take care of them last night, he came running up to me, so excited and trying to show me where the babies were. He did a great job helping lick them clean, and now spends most of his time lying alongside the birthing stall or standing guard. We did have to get after him when he got over-protective and tried to chase the other goats out of the loafing shed, but he responded well to the correction, and the herd is back where they should be. However, we haven't been able to convince him that the cats are ok (they can usually come and go in the goat yard) :rolleyes:.

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Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
My guardian is great with the kids and the mom, not so good with other goats that want to get too close to the new kids. After a few days he mellows out but it is a good thing my goats jump when he tells them to; he is very determined that no other goats are allowed near HIS babies. He lays right in front of the kidding pen making sure they are safe.

Hope your kidding season continues to be pink and uneventful.


True BYH Addict
Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
North Texas
Holly had her twins last night and I'm happy to say our attempt to get black and white babies was successful! My 'pick up the kid and guess the sex' was right for this one - two does, but I have to confess double-checking, because a second set of twin does seemed too good to be true. :)

Holly's babies are always so robust and healthy (4.4 lbs and 4 lbs). The larger was born first and was the fastest latch I have every seen! Seriously, I showed her where the teat was and she latched in about 10 seconds or less! The younger one kept trying, but she took some coaching. The younger one (pictured in the first photo) is already very affectionate - she loves to be petted and likes to nuzzle. :love

Thanks for the pink wishes...seems to be working!

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