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  1. nightshade

    Anybody wanting new nigerian dwarfs?

    oh my gosh I wish they were closer!
  2. nightshade

    personalized hand painted glass ornaments $15 +sh byc members deal

    thanks a bunch I will be waiting to hear from you :)
  3. nightshade

    we got piglets!!!

    how big will they get? The spotted ones are too cute.
  4. nightshade

    personalized hand painted glass ornaments $15 +sh byc members deal

    HI guys for years I painted ornaments professionally until the passed two when my father fell ill then passed away. I have decided to once again start painting. So I thought I would start advertising my services here. I will paint ANY pet, house (great first home owners presents), vehicle...
  5. nightshade

    finally found out what is killing my goats.

    Thanks a bunch, I think I am good know that I know what the heck I a dealing with. It was so hard to go through. I am worming again in 10 days and 10 after that to try to get them all, since it does not kill them til the mature. I will keep you all updated.
  6. nightshade

    finally found out what is killing my goats.

    all are doing well since the worming with the ivomac plus. The Bill we were terribly close to to losing the other night is now back to his hyper get into everything self. I will keep you updated. Thank you all for your tips and caring.
  7. nightshade

    2 redbone coon hound puppies left in PA

    Ps we still have two left. Now it is a male and a female not to males. The family that was suppose to pick the female up over the weekend never came so she is back up for sale.
  8. nightshade

    2 redbone coon hound puppies left in PA

    I will have to check it out. We will have 9 I counted tonight including the 2 pups we are keeping. Hubby promises to cut back and get rid of at least 2 by winter :/ now if it actually happens or not we will see.
  9. nightshade

    2 redbone coon hound puppies left in PA

    where the red fern grows lol. Hubby read that when we were in school and that is how the whole coon hunting thing started for him. 13 years or so ago. He started with redbones but had not hard any for years. Had every other kind just about though. Took a black and tan female to B&T days and...
  10. nightshade

    finally found out what is killing my goats.

    I know I will never worm with anything else that is for sure.
  11. nightshade

    my pygmy is sick?

    omg I just read this I am so very sorry for your loss. :hugs I recently lost half of my herd (6) in three weeks to something I now know I could have easily prevented if I just had known what I was doing wrong. I can defiantly feel you pain.
  12. nightshade

    2 redbone coon hound puppies left in PA

    yea hubby hunts. He wanted so bad to go to Autumn Oaks last weekend but wasn't able to. Has been crabby ever since, lol. I kept one out of the litter for me though and if all goes as planned all he will hunt is the couch. But today when I had them out playing and I was working in the yard he...
  13. nightshade

    finally found out what is killing my goats.

    found it and it is some nasty ****. There is only two drugs that kill it and one is the Ivomac plus what is the luck in that. But now I feel terribly guilty because if I had realized that the pelleted wormer was not working I would have given the ivomac months ago, I could have saved them all...
  14. nightshade

    finally found out what is killing my goats.

    the one this weekend was the first I really got to watch in happen in or at least some of it. When I got down to the pasture in the morning he was outside of the fence waiting for me like he always is. But he was stumbling around and waving as he stood their like he was dizzy or something. As I...
  15. nightshade

    finally found out what is killing my goats.

    sorry no link I found out through an Amish buddy who has been seeing it go around. But google may provide some info on it. I am just looking more into it myself because I have never heard of such a thing either. I called my FIL to get his opinion since he has been around the farm his whole...
  16. nightshade

    2 redbone coon hound puppies left in PA

    Hi guys we still have two red bone puppies left one male defiantly and the other could be a male or female I wont know til tomorrow night what the family that is coming is going to take. If interested please email hubby at for all their info. They are UKC reg with first shots...
  17. nightshade

    finally found out what is killing my goats.

    Well after three weeks and losing half my herd I finally found out what is killing my goats. Your never gonna believe this.... snails. It has been so wet that they are like every where, tiny little orange or black shelled snails. And I was just told yesterday when I had a goat dieing that they...
  18. nightshade


    from what I have always been told yes. But I have had people with nubians tell me that if you have a good bill he can make them come in if they are interested in him.
  19. nightshade

    The Never-ending Post Hole Augering Drama at Lupin Farm

    :th it's just too hot here to be digging post holes or atleast that is what I keep saying
  20. nightshade

    check out my new website and let me know what you think please!

    okay so it aint much yet. I still have to find the majority of my pictures that are in storage yet getting ready for the move to the new house. But I was able to put a few products on with some pictures I have saved on my computer. Please check it out for me guys and let me know what you think...