Search results

  1. nightshade

    Backyard Goats-- Fencing?

    just like you would use it to break a dog then pretty much.. hmm I will have to give it a try
  2. nightshade

    Backyard Goats-- Fencing?

    now that is a good idea Hubby has to training collars maybe I should think of borrowing one. I wonder if it would work for breaking a billy of being mean to every other goat he comes in contact with.?
  3. nightshade

    Auction (rant)

    omg I want him he is too cute! I would have defiantly bought him. I told hubby that we can get a pig as long as it stays little I don't want a hog, then he can get hogs to butcher but only after me and the son get a little pet one. I think it sounds reasonable to me.
  4. nightshade

    The Never-ending Post Hole Augering Drama at Lupin Farm

    lol yea we can build our barn in pieces without a permit because it is an ag building as long as it is under a designated sg ft area per section. And we have at least a month or so of time before we add another section. If we add power that needs to be inspected. It is really silly how they...
  5. nightshade

    nightline is going to have a city chick show tonight

    okay they just said that they are going to have a piece on fokes raising chickens in nyc on later in the broadcast just thought I would let you all know.
  6. nightshade

    The Never-ending Post Hole Augering Drama at Lupin Farm

    I would love to use and auger for our posts, but nope I got the old two handled post digger. I have got another 1000ft of fence roughly to put in. A run in to build and a goat barn and a huge hen house to finish all before snow flies. I truly think only about half the fence is going in this...
  7. nightshade

    Homemade Roundpens, has anyone made one?

    thats what I thought when he said it but I didn't say anything I didn't want to come off as rude. Maybe I will just do a "by the way do you think that going to be safe for them?" Kinda deal when I see him this weekend. I really don't want to piss him off though seeing how the guys who delivered...
  8. nightshade


    :welcome :bun welcome nice to see another cross over from the byc
  9. nightshade

    The Never-ending Post Hole Augering Drama at Lupin Farm

    that makes me feel a little better at least I know I am not the only one doing it the old hard way lol
  10. nightshade

    Homemade Roundpens, has anyone made one?

    our neighbor is building one over the summer out of railroad ties for the posts and oak 1x6x what ever the length needs to be. Sounds like it is gonna be really hard core if you ask me but I could post some pics of it when he gets it done if you like. He rides bulls as a hobby and I don't half...
  11. nightshade

    The Never-ending Post Hole Augering Drama at Lupin Farm

    I am so jealous of you guys I have put in around 100 posts already by hand with an old post hole digger and a steal breaker bar. :th
  12. nightshade

    So have I finally found a good horse? (A few pics added)

    Congrats on the new horse she is gorgeous. It is good to hear you found one that you can really bond with. I joke that my boy is my soul mate. It is really nice to have one you can trust completely and you sound like you are well on your way to that. It will only get better with time and she...
  13. nightshade

    New Mare was sold as "bombproof" How do I...

    I totally agree that you can never know what an animal went though before it made it to you. We have rescued horses, we have bought from auctions where animals are known to go to butcher as well as ones that could either no longer be kept by their owners of were fokes that frankly just should...
  14. nightshade

    Hoof trimming

    we have 4 horses. 3 of which are rescues. I trim all of them myself as and also do all of our goats feet as well. But those are a totally different ball game. I feel very comfortable doing them myself having farrier friends teach me how to do it. I do have one though that I would much rather...
  15. nightshade

    10 minute goat milk fudge - super easy

    yea goat fudge another use for the milk. That is if hubby and the little guy stop drinking it all in the middle of the night before I get to do anything with it. :barnie
  16. nightshade

    more goats :)

    :yuckyuck yup that sounds about right from where I am sitting :thumbsup
  17. nightshade

    Goats AT Auctions!!!:)

    Around here they usually end up at sales because they are considered a by product of freshening a dairy goat. They usually are bills but sometimes you will see nans. They are normally smaller then what the breeder wants to have or not the desired color.
  18. nightshade

    At least Diesel is having a good day!

    I bet that little guy is really giving the bog roos hell through that fence. I can see it now. :clap
  19. nightshade

    Horse with gash on neck.

    great to hear keep us updated on how it's healing.
  20. nightshade

    more goats :)

    well I am picking up 2 more goats this weekend, so I better get my fence done in the rain tomorrow. I had a lady call me a few weeks ago about her goats. She is selling her home and moving into a care facility and wanted to know if I would take in her goats. She got my number from a friend who...