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  1. jross8897


    Okay... I'm worried that the dog may go after the baby... He's pretty rough on things he's not familliar with. I guess his instincts get the best of him. In the past two days it seems like her utter has doubled in size. I wish so much that we would have known she was pregnant when we got her...
  2. jross8897


    Thanks soooo much!! You think that the dog wont also bond with the kid? I was hopein' it would be one big happy family! i know that the dog would go after baby, but I know I could train him to the newborn just as i did to the doe to begin with... do you think she would allow it?
  3. jross8897


    I'm in South Carolina and the Goat is a yard goat that is bonded to our springer spaniel :hugs .... It's a long story... She's calming down in the pen now i think...
  4. jross8897


    Was't even sure my doe was preggers until she started producing milk. Today she passed the "plug" from what i've gathered here. I've got her in a pen away from the dogs and anything elese (She is the only goat I have). She hates being in the pen. How long after the "plug" will she go into labor...
  5. jross8897

    OMG!! I think she's havin a baby!!

    Ok... A while back I noticed the goat was producing milk!! Well I just went outside and saw a white discharge comming out of her vagina! What do I do?? Help!
  6. jross8897


    Hey now!! I'm new at this, but everyone here has been VERY helpful!:welcome
  7. jross8897

    This will make you giggle!

    I hung the dog leash on the porch so she wouldn't drag it around in the yard... Well this is what she managed to do...:lau
  8. jross8897

    Anyone know what breed Maggie might be??

    thanks for the feedback!!:thumbsup
  9. jross8897

    The things goats get up to.

    Mine is infatuated with the golf cart.
  10. jross8897

    I got a new goat!!

    She is absolutely CUTE!!:love
  11. jross8897

    Do all goats produce milk?

    This is Maggie!
  12. jross8897

    Do all goats produce milk?

    She is fat... but i thought its because shes a yard goat... she nibbles this an that all day long... Like an all you can eat buffet!!:):pop
  13. jross8897

    Just sharing pics of my goaties!!

    They are sooooooo adorable!!!:D
  14. jross8897

    Do all goats produce milk?

    I'm trying to post a picture, but I can't seem to figure out how... :( We've had Maggie now since May... As far as i know she has never givin birth... then again I'm not sure how old she is, what breed or much of anything before we got her.
  15. jross8897

    Do all goats produce milk?

    I am fairly new at handling a goat. Not sure what breeds she may be or what to expect. Yesterday out of sheer curiosity I Squeezed her teet. I was unbelievably shocked when a stream of milk nearly soaked my face!!! I cannot find any information on why suddenly she is producing milk or if maybe...