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  1. MReit

    Trouble maker

    Pics will come as soon as those girls hit my property :)
  2. MReit

    Trouble maker

    Wow, thats kind of interesting..Your right, then you should get paid dairy price...Hmmm..I just bought two 200# simmental heifers....oh what fun they will be to break..:celebrate
  3. MReit

    Hi, just thought I'd join y'all

    :welcome Good luck and have fun!
  4. MReit

    Trouble maker

    I'd say so too probably jerseyxangus, people tend to do that around here, oh well, for the lil price I paid he will taste just fine in another year ............oh yeah, ma, I'm going to see some simm's tomorrow :)
  5. MReit

    Trouble maker

    Oh yeah, he thought he was sleeping over tonight and that I could just take him to school in the morning. He said and I quote " every time I'm here I'm feeding him, and scooping poop, and putting him to bed!" lol I'm not going to argue with that!
  6. MReit

    Trouble maker

    That has yet to be determined. The tag in his ear, he is definately from a dairy, but he is definately more beef.
  7. MReit

    Trouble maker

    Oh it crossed my mind.! First time feeding a calf the boy did well!
  8. MReit

    Trouble maker

    Here is our "lil red" eating and playing well, even tried to climb the hay stacks!
  9. MReit

    April Fool's Day Joke

    Oooooooooooooook, no wonder!! I completely forgot it was April fools and That was GREAT one Kitty!!!:bun
  10. MReit

    Name that Breed/mix

    Why are all the words messed up?!!? -Calf- says kid..argh...I'm guessing this is how it's supposed to be?
  11. MReit

    Dogs: What to get/look for

    We have a blue heeler x yellow lab. Love her to death and she's been great for 9 years now, 10 in june. People can't believe how young she looks and acts, though time is catching up but only I notice it. She herds very well, and helps with ornry animals that won't get on trailers. The lab in her...
  12. MReit

    MN - Dwarf Nigi wethers

    I want one, but your soo far away :hit
  13. MReit

    Questions from the newbie

    There's pro's and con's...I'll keep my mouth shut :)
  14. MReit

    Questions from the newbie

    Well as long as he is drinking something that is good, got to keep it hydrated. Could give it some pennicillian, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt and also some meds for scours. Other then that, sloppyness could just be him WAY over exceited! haha I had some calves like that and they were just sooo...
  15. MReit

    My new Babies!!!

    reminds me I'm supposed to be making a phone call to pickup a jersey calf for my neice...hmmmmmmmmm...
  16. MReit

    Today, just as the sun began it's journey across the sky...

    Well Congrats and have a wonderful trip!!
  17. MReit

    Longhorn heifer calf

    I'm looking for a longhorn heifer calf, doesn't need to be registered, but does need to look good:) Hubby really wants one, and I definately won't say no!
  18. MReit

    Sale prices

    Soooooooooo after the pathetic showing at the auction I stopped by a neighboring beef farmer and talked to the 87 y/o owner. He was delighted to have me stop by and chat. He has a small herd of black simmental, and has someone load them up and care for them during the winter and brings them back...
  19. MReit

    Orphan 3 day old calf

    So sorry to hear he died! He was a really cute calf.. Good luck with any others :)
  20. MReit

    Orphan 3 day old calf

    I agree, there may be nothing you can do. I had a twin from my brothers beefers. The mom helped the larger one, but not the smaller, I took care of her for about 5 days, I even woke up twice a night to check on her, but then her vision was going and so I called the vet, here she had meningitis...