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  1. MReit

    New to the site, I need your help

    They can graze as soon as you let them! I'm 100% for letting newborns out on grass as well as bottle feeding them(lord knows they will come to you when they see that bottle, so no chasing them in the field) But naturally the calf would be with its mom, out in the field grazing anyway.
  2. MReit

    New to Bottle Calves

    Tagging is a great thing! Just a thought on the feed- calves may eat calf starter better then pellets just because the malasses in it makes is soo sweet. Like I said, just a thought :)
  3. MReit

    Looks like.... Finally!!!!

    Congrats to you!!!!!!!
  4. MReit

    NEVER milked a cow!

    hehehe that was a cute video! Umm fill up a rubber glove with water (pretty full) and then poke a small hole with a pin on the tip of the fingers. That is almost about the feel depending how thick a glove you use. It gives an idea to people who've never felt a teat.
  5. MReit

    dairy cattle prices

    Wow, yeah that must be the trend down there right now, because up here the prices on dairy didn't decline as far as I know..
  6. MReit

    Looks like.... Finally!!!!

    I hope everything is okay in there :) I know hours seem like days!
  7. MReit

    My baby boy!

    I bought him from our neighboring farm. They raise registered piedmontese as well as some simms and crosses. If I pass by and see the dam in the pasture I'll snap a pic. As for his sire, I don't know if they sold him or have him somewhere else.
  8. MReit

    My baby boy!

    Oh yeah he has his nuts yet, he will be my bull. It's funny because the peid's hind quarters are so muscled that alot of times the young ones you can't see anything back there.
  9. MReit

    My baby boy!

    Not much of a baby anymore, but I still see him that way. Fell in love with him since the day he dropped. SimmXPeid. born Aug 08. Sweetest man in the world(we won't tell the hubby that)! haha
  10. MReit

    Blind calf

    Ooooooooooooh I'd love that challenge :)
  11. MReit

    What is 'cake'

    :cool:You can use bag balm also, I don't know a cow that didn't appreciate some!
  12. MReit

    15 cows ready to calve

    Too bad texas is so far away...I need 6 more to put in the pasture....
  13. MReit

    Favorite Beef breed[s]

    All in all I think any cow that throws beautiful calves, has a great temper, and is a great mother is my favorite :D I do like larger frames though, and I'm partial to simmental and charolais
  14. MReit

    Easy breed to show

    ahaha, yeah I remember, portable garbage can! I showed the jereseys young too. As for heifer riding, yup and nice 6x6 ended that, but hey i was on for like 6 seconds without any ropes!
  15. MReit

    Training a calf for sale

    Calves are like kids, couple times a day for short periods and training is a bit easier. Line bred isn't good for showing nor selling if anyone with a clue looks at the ped.
  16. MReit

    Easy breed to show

    If it is dairy, I would go with a jersey, small and docile. Linebacks are also a smaller and very well tempermented breed. I halter broke, clipped, and showed my jerseys since I was 5.
  17. MReit

    looking for piedmontese semen/bull

    I just bought a pied/simme cross bull (6 months) and I absolutely love him. He has great disposition and temperment. Long and tall yet has the muscle of the pied. There is a breeder here in PA, lastname Levan but I can't remember their farm name.