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  1. M

    REDUCED 2 registered ND does for sale- Southwest MO

    I have two registered Nigerian Dwarf does for sale, $200.00 each. REDUCED....$150.00 each!!!!! The brown one is just a little over 2 years old and has had twins in the past year. The black and white one is a year old and had a little buck this April. I wanted to try and see if I could handle...
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    Eating to much ??

    It is my fault that they are eating way to much. When I got them I could see their ribs and hip bones and to me that is to thin so I have let them eat when ever they wanted. I have since cut them back to about a cup each a day. I feel guilty since every time I go outside and head that way they...
  3. M

    Eating to much ??

    I checked the bag and there is no instructions on it. Brown paper bag with a small tag on it telling the ingredients. I have cut them way down in feed since they are still getting into the chicken house and wreaking havoc in there eating the food and tearing down the perches I had up for the...
  4. M

    Eating to much ??

    I have two ND does, one ND buck and a pygmy goat. I have been feeding them all at the same time from a small trough like thing and that works for now. I tried the individual buckets and they didn't like that. My question is, how much should the two adult does (2 yrs and 1 yr old) be eating...
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    goat eating chicken feed

    I have tried putting something in front of the SMALL chicken house door but my fat *** ND squeezes her whole body through that small opening. The ducks can just make it through so can't figure out how this Houdini is doing it. Seems like her udder would get stuck. I have a 6 inch opening in the...
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    goat eating chicken feed

    I would be interested in the answer to this as well. I have two ND that constantly go into the chicken house for food. I put mine way up on a "shelf" so that only the chickens can get up there and get it but that makes it rough for the 4 ducks I have. I had to pen them up a few times a day so...
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    Sippo Park Caprines Kidding Thread----Baby Pictures-More Added 5/12/12

    THANK YOU. I am glad she is out of that abusive situation as well. Hope she isn't but if she is I will watch her like a hawk for a while. Oreo has already tried mounting her and he is only three weeks old. About tired himself trying to catch her. Oreo and his mother are ND as well as Nutmeg...
  8. M

    Sippo Park Caprines Kidding Thread----Baby Pictures-More Added 5/12/12

    Meet Willow. The people had already named her this but my daughter before she knew it wanted to name her Willow since she drove to Willow Springs to get her. I think she is cute and nice and small like I like. My other two does (almost a year and 2 years old) started to chase her and head but...
  9. M

    Little bucks anatomy

    Congrats, Happy Mother's Day and HAPPY BIRTHDAY all in one. Don't forget to POST pictures for everyone to see and oo and aw over. That is so great, you are adding to your herd. I don't have what I consider a herd yet. I have two does and a little three week old buck. Now with this other 4...
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    Sippo Park Caprines Kidding Thread----Baby Pictures-More Added 5/12/12

    NO, hubby doesn't know about G.A.S. But I think he is going to learn FAST. LOL I will post pictures as soon as I get her and she adjusts to the other three goats, 33 chickens, 9 rabbits and 4 ducks. (2 cats and a dog) Should be later today, if she is 4 months old she should be used to some...
  11. M

    Sippo Park Caprines Kidding Thread----Baby Pictures-More Added 5/12/12

    I understand that, not naming them. It is hard not to get attached. My Hubby stays away from the goat area, he is afraid of getting to attached since I said awhile back about selling a couple. Today I am getting another little doeling. All I know is that she is 4 months old. My daughter is...
  12. M

    Little bucks anatomy

    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL, not just the mothers. Other do the same thing a mother does and may not be a "mother" but who cares. We love you all no matter what gender or roll you play in our lives. HOPE you all have a GREAT DAY!!! My little doe isn't going to be registered but that is fine. She...
  13. M

    Sippo Park Caprines Kidding Thread----Baby Pictures-More Added 5/12/12

    Maggie's little one looks a lot like Oreo. The white in the middle of his body. Oreo has his right front foot and back left foot are white and the other two legs are black. Oreo has a white spot on his chin. SO cute aren't they?
  14. M

    Little bucks anatomy

    Very True Mamaboid. You would think that a 58 year old woman would know her anatomy but guess I slept through that class. LOL There are SO many people on here who are willing to take the time to advise others who know little and I really appreciate ALL of you out there even if you don't...
  15. M

    Little bucks anatomy

    THANK YOU all for telling me he is normal. I felt rather foolish when I saw them and thought he was a he/she or something. I guess there is a lot more I need to know about goats, HUH? THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. My little guy is alright!
  16. M

    Little bucks anatomy

    Java Chip had a little buckling almost three weeks ago. I am no pervert so didn't check out his underneath side all that well. Did see him peeing and did dip the cord into the peroxide but that was it till the other day when he climbed up on my lap and I flipped him over like a baby and his legs...
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    Problem with shot

    elevan, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all this information. I made a copy of all of it and saved in on my computer for future references. I really appreciate you taking the time to write it all out. I hope others will read this and have this information when or if they need it. THANKS AGAIN! I an a...
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    Problem with shot

    Thanks, the first time is always the hardest and especially on one of the little ones. I didn't feel comfortable doing it first so had hubby do it and now I think it would be easier if I just did it myself next time. Not thrilled with giving shots since I hate them but better get used to it. LOL
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    Problem with shot

    Thanks Karen and Sheepgirl. I am not worried about Oreo but hubby is scared he did something wrong and now he will get sick and die. AND I thought I was the sensitive one! He is worried about infection but I know the two needles I had were the good ones and he took the old ones and put them...
  20. M

    Problem with shot

    I am not worried about him but my hubby is worried he did something wrong and now something might happen to the little guy. I assured him it wouldn't and not to worry but also told him I would check with the experts on here. THANKS