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  1. S


    Having had to go into Bella for the birth I remembered that I should do a round of antibiotics. So, I swung through the vet office and they gave me penicillin. 1 cc 1x/day for 5 days. Does that sound right? Where should I give it? I've done injections for horses, but not for goats. Thanks!
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    nursing question

    She is doing better this morning. I think she is so tired that she would rather stand still. When I went out this morning the baby was definitely satisfied and one side of the doe was much less full than the other side. I milked out a bit of the other side because it was so full. Both seem happy...
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    It's a girl!! *more pics added :)

    Yeah, we tried waiting. One leg was bent and the other was totally back and the shoulder was caught. Once I got the shoulder loose she slid right out, but it took me awhile (this being my first time). Plus she would only have a contraction if my hand was inside. Crazy!
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    nursing question

    Bella is so interested in licking the baby she spins around when the baby tries to nurse. Is this normal? We held her and let the baby drink a bit, but do we need to milk her and bottle feed?
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    It's a girl!! *more pics added :)

    She presented with a head only. My first delivery and I had to go in and find feet. Found one and she delivered with one backwards and one forwards.
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    labor question

    Ok, so Bella seemed to be in labor, but now she is acting normal. ??? Tendons are still gone, but she has stopped pawing and laying down. Is this normal?
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    Today must be the day!

    Bella's ligaments were gone this morning. She is up and down and pawing. Today must be the day. Yipee!
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    Hello from WA

    Thanks for the warm welcome. It is great to have a place to ask questions. I have no idea how people knew how to do anything before the internet! :)
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    Put a face to a name! Please post your pic here!

    Here we are! My husband, daughter, me, and my son
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    Hello from WA

    We live just south of Seattle and are trying to turn our 1/3 acre lot into a mostly self-sustaining "farm". I am a stay-at-home mom of 2 (son age 8, daughter age 3). We just started this spring with 6 chickens (should start laying in July), goats (2 does, one due to kid anyday), 2 rabbits (pets...
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    Do you do your own disbudding? Or do you have someone come do it for you? Since this is my first time through the process I don't have the equipment and I'm wondering if I should get it. Or, since I only have 2 does, just have someone come out and do it for me when I need it done. What do you think?
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    dropped then not? *now with pics

    Thanks! I was beginning to wonder if we were looking at weeks or maybe even a month. *sigh. I am just so ready! Lol :P
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    feed container solutions?

    How do y'all feed your goats? If I offer free choice minerals and baking soda and alfalfa pellets, that's 3 buckets then I have buckets for grain and water. My goats have a buffet! Is this normal? How does everyone else feed? Thanks
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    dropped then not? *now with pics

    I'm actually starting to wonder if she is as close as her previous owner thought. This morning she looks lower than yesterday. Maybe she just had a fuller tummy. :-) Here are pics of her: Here she is last Friday, the day we got her. Here she is today. I'm realizing that she doesn't really...
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    dropped then not? *now with pics

    Ok, so our doe came on Friday and looked like she had dropped. I could see her hips and backbone. Now it looks like she has filled out again and looks more pregnant. Her previous owner thinks that tomorrow is her due date but was not sure. My question is can she drop and then the baby(s) move...
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    tendon question

    Thanks! I can still barely feel them. They are thinner and looser this morning, but still definitely there. I will keep checking. *sigh -Kristin
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    Anyone seriously in the city with goats in their backyard?

    Yes, we are on 1/3 acre and have 2 goats, 2 bunnies, 6 chickens and a dog. We are just outside of Seattle and are allowed to have 12 animals (goats/foul/etc) I don't know if our dog counts toward that number, but the bunnies do not. So we are well under. Try the website for the Goat Justice...
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    tendon question

    Ok, so our new goat is due soon. Because we got her this weekend I don't know how her tendons have changed. What exactly am I looking for? I think I have found them, but I don't know what they are supposed to change from and to. I can still find the tendons (I think) and they feel hard coming...
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    advice please - new does

    Really she is neither. She was active Friday and Saturday because she was not happy about being alone. We spent a ton of time with her. Now that she has a goat buddy she is laying down in their shelter most of the time. Penelope (the not pregnant one) has not been handled very much, so she...