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  1. S

    Essential CD & T give IM to 18 goats/THANKS KIM

    Thanks for this thread! I have to give a couple of doelings their cd/t today. I did a couple of bucklings a couple of weeks ago SQ and I find that IM is soooo much easier for me to give (thus being easier on the goats!). I was going to research to see if I could give this IM. So, thank you for...
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    dismal milk production

    I milk in the morning then let her babies have her all day. So it's about a 12 hour split. For her feed, she gets Purina Goat Chow, FastTrack probiotic, alfalfa pellets, and a small handful of Golden Grow - much like Calf Manna (to bump up the protein and I've seen an increase in our other...
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    dismal milk production

    This gives me hope! I also really wanted to keep one of her doelings, so maybe her milk production will come up enough to justify keeping one of her girls. :fl -K
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    nervous about kidding time, what am I missing from kidding kit?

    The best thing I have in my kit is a book called The Backyard Goat. It has really good info on different birthing positions and what to do. Otherwise, I have colostrum on hand, just in case. I think everything else...
  5. S

    Weaning without separate pasture?

    We are truly urban farmers with no extra space for a separate area, so last spring when I had one I needed to wean I taped the doe with bandage tape. Worked great (most days, the doeling was able to remove the tape a couple of times early on before I got good at it ;) ). I ran a piece down one...
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    Newbie owner with Nigerian Does that have scours...

    While it could be a serious problem, my first response to any digestive problem with any of my animals (goats, horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, etc) is a good probiotic. I usually use Probios paste in the syringe (easy to find at most feed stores). It's a good first step before looking at more...
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    dismal milk production

    This is great news! Thank you so much. I will continue to milk her and see what happens. :) I really hope she improves because she is really really sweet and we like her personality. -K
  8. S

    dismal milk production

    Ok, here's the story... We have ND goats. We got a doe late last summer already in milk and milked her through the Fall, bred her and we are now able to milk her again in the mornings (babies are 4 weeks old). We have always gotten at least 2 cups a milking off of her. Now we are getting a solid...
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    Visiting with Goat Kids

    I took a baby ND goat into my daughter's preschool a couple of times. It worked great. I didn't even clean them - you are nicer than me. :) I put a diaper on them, but it wasn't needed either time (but worth doing it just in case). I think I used a size 3 because that was what was on hand, but...
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    Does anyone use Vitalix for goat minerals? I've been using loose goat minerals. I was told about Vitalix and that it was better and more natural. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with this product? It's a bucket with everything in molasses, so you just set out the entire thing and the...
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    cedar shavings

    We never used them for horses. I was told cedar is toxic if eaten and since most animals will sample the chips we just always stayed away. I'm not sure if the toxicity is accurate, but that was the reason I was given. That is the reason I've stayed away from them for my goats and chickens also. -K
  12. S

    Got My Six Babies Disbudded Today...

    Are you sure it was the skull? They should have a nice rust/orange ring around the bud. I'm guessing what you saw was normal. I too hate disbudding, but I also believe that in the long run it is the best idea for the goats in our family. -K
  13. S

    Using cheap cloth diapers instead of cheesecloth?

    Yes, they work great. I had some left over from my kids (human). I never used them as diapers, but as burp clothes. I boiled them really well and used them for cheese. No problems. Worked better than the cheese cloth I had used previously. -K
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    dairy type?

    This has been very informational and helpful!
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    dairy type?

    What exactly do people refer to when they refer to "dairy type" in ND goats? -K
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    New babies

    Just what I needed, more goats! :D
  17. S

    should I worry

    I picked up a new doe today (yes, there will be pictures as soon as I get on the stick and get them;) ) and she has 2 three-day-old doelings with her. They had full tummies this morning when I picked them up (10am). They got introduced to my other 2 does and the 2 two-week-old bucklings today...
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    really bad breath?

    Would that cause her breath to be bad when she was bleating (is that the right word?)? Her normal breathing breath is fine (not all roses, but not bad).
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    really bad breath?

    Not extensively, but I did take a peek in there first and nothing looked bad. ??
  20. S

    really bad breath?

    One of my ND does has really bad breath. Not her normal breathing, but anytime she "talks". Granted I have an amazingly strong sense of smell, but even outside or in their open stall I can smell it just being around her and not in her face. I started her on a daily probiotic, but it hasn't...