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  1. Georgiamainers

    Winter pic of my girls...

    Irish and Lainey, soon to be Mammas:) Ready for some spring and grass and kids!
  2. Georgiamainers

    Advice on Feeding -protein (Poulin Feed)

    While my does have been pregnant I've had them on a 14% Textra feed. My Sanaan is due to kid in three weeks and I'm wanting to gradually up her protein. The store gave my husband the 16% Stock NCA feed labelled Sheep (with no copper)- saying they didn't have it just for goats. Should I...
  3. Georgiamainers


    to sheep forum
  4. Georgiamainers

    Please show me your goat houses

    Too funny Jenn. He does look a bit scary!! lol
  5. Georgiamainers

    Mineral question...

    The goats will know how much they need so they'll only consume that much. I sprinkle a couple pinches of loose minerals on their grain just to make sure they get some.
  6. Georgiamainers

    Feeding pregnant does...

    Thanks for the reply. They are getting about a quart Each. My step dad is a dairy farmer on our road and grows grass to feed his herd. This is where we get our hay. It's good stuff. About the 18% feed, it's what I've been feeding them during lactation.
  7. Georgiamainers

    Feeding pregnant does...

    This is our first year having pregnant does through the whole winter. When we purchased them last Feb they were pregnant. They are given free choice grassy hay and a quart (yogurt container) of 14% feed in the morning with a half cup of alfalfa pellets dressed on top. They have access to...
  8. Georgiamainers

    PHOTO Hampshire Piglets 2 born more coming

    :) :D :celebrate :weee :clap :woot :thumbsup :bun Congrats!!
  9. Georgiamainers

    Our Toggenberg is in heat

    This is our first breeding season and it's so obvious that our doe is in heat! I thought we'd have no idea-have to get a buck rag, etc. Her tail is continuously wagging and she's dripping back there. And our buckling (her kid) is right around the corner and she's trying to climb the fence to...
  10. Georgiamainers

    keep word drop word

    Christmas wreath :)
  11. Georgiamainers


    Welcome Miss Hannah...hey wait! I know you!!:P Love, Mom :frow
  12. Georgiamainers

    Newbie from West Virginia

    :welcome :D
  13. Georgiamainers

    Goats and chickens

    We have a screaming buck who lost his sibs to a sale. We threw a few chickens in with him and it quieted him down. My does fence runs along the chicken yard and those two are always hanging out and have found a way to poke their head through the fence and watch the chickens and ducks all day...
  14. Georgiamainers


    I throw a handful of pellets on my doe's sweet feed twice a day. She loves it and tries to get a mouthful when she walks by the can. I have some cubes and they are hard as a ROCK. If you soak a few they really expand into a good amount of alfalfa...and it smells really fresh and it's rich...
  15. Georgiamainers

    loose minerals and sweet feed?

    At first I set out a mineral feeder but it always got messy, dried up, or got pooped in. Now, I just pinch a good amount and sprinkle it on their morning feedings.
  16. Georgiamainers

    pot belly and white eyelids

    I would find a local dairy farmer and see who he uses for a farm vet. A local vet who I've never used for my animals will run a fecal for $14 and a recommendation over the phone.
  17. Georgiamainers

    Togg got her foot caught....

    I found my sweet Irish laying on the ground with one hoof caught way up in the top of the fence wire. Scared me soo bad!! I had let her young buck out to roam a little and once my does saw him, they got nosey and climbed the fence. I could not get it undone as it was wrapped tight, and had...
  18. Georgiamainers

    Leaky teat (through the skin)

    That has happened with my first timer too. But it stopped in a day or two. I have no idea.
  19. Georgiamainers

    How old is too old to band???

    I'm selling my twin boys. One I banded already a while back, and the other I thought we'd keep, but we've decided not to. Anyway, is 18 weeks too old to band him?? Will the new owners run into problems if we him at this age? They are requesting it and will pick them up in a week.