Search results

  1. wYs Ranch

    Need Photos: New Zealand White and Californian

    Did you ever get any photos? I'll be getting possibly both kinds this weekend...let me know if you still need some.
  2. wYs Ranch


    I'm going to try this method when the time comes: This article seemed to cover the process well. They used mink oil rubbed into the hide to help make it soft.
  3. wYs Ranch

    is this a good deal?

    Thanks everyone, we go sunday to pick them up!!
  4. wYs Ranch

    is this a good deal?

    thanks for the response... I plan to go look at everything before I committ... if I don't want them all, I'll post the info on here so someone else can take advantage of it.
  5. wYs Ranch

    is this a good deal?

    I don't have all the info yet... I found someone selling their rabbits NZ or Ca. I can get their cages (8 hole) with food/water dishes and 6 doe 2 bucks for 150$ with the option of all her rabbits and supplies for 250$ that would be the stands w/roof, 11 rabbits, 6 bunnies and food and a...
  6. wYs Ranch

    Yakity, yak. Don't talk back.

    There are a few yak breeders around. I'm hoping to get my herd started in the spring next year.
  7. wYs Ranch

    New from Michigan... sorta

    I can do that! ;)
  8. wYs Ranch

    You might be country if ...

    around our place you will always step in something... so we just admit it and warn everyone up front....we're calling our farm the.. Watch Your Step Ranch!
  9. wYs Ranch

    New from Michigan... sorta

    Hi! I'm usually found on the byc forum as SillyChicken... but since we're also getting some Yak soon, I'm joining this site too. I'm between Jackson and Ann Arbor. I grew up on a small hobby farm and helped to care for the calves, pigs and crops. Luckily I was small enough then that I got...