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    Our goat shelter... in progress *new pics*

    Yes, straw for bedding. Once the hay has been soiled they probably won't eat it. Goats do waste a lot of hay. Once mine pull a clump to the ground they won't eat it. I just rake it up and use it for the goats bedding or in the chicken coop.

    Willow Breeze Farm Kidding Watch. Blu kidded see last post :)

    I know I'm a little late but congrats! :clap I am so jealous. I love wattles! I wish we had them.

    Heat after breeding?

    It is definitely a possibility. Mine did the same thing this last breeding. Her timing on going back in heat was not right either. Our breeder kept telling me they did not think she was in heat again because the timing was not right. Rosebud has always been very hard to tell when she was in...

    Forum Updates Coming!!! - Picture Submissions Needed

    Woody, a buckling from our girl Misty's first breeding :love Lilly, our first baby Jessie, goes to her new home tomorrow :hit

    When is too old to re-burn scurs

    I am pretty comfortable with disbudding, but I must admit I am a little nervous about doing such a large goat.

    ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal

    Keep us posted on your progress. I would be interested in buying one of your recipe books when it's done.

    When is too old to re-burn scurs

    Ok thanks. She said it is very small and should fit inside the tip on my disbuddig iron. I just want to help her out since the breeder I got my goats from was so helpful to me when I first started. I thought I could pass some knowledge along. She was wanting to learn how to disbud anyway.

    HI from WI

    Hi...welcome to BYH

    Never had a!?

    I agree. Any breed will be good with children if raised right. We have Nubians and I am partial. We love them so much. They follow us around like dogs. They do tend to be a bit vocal though so you may want to consider that depending on where you live. Like the others said if they are just...

    When is too old to re-burn scurs

    I have never had or seen scurs in person before. The woman who is coming on Thursday to pick up my Nubian buckling she bought from me asked me about a 4 month old Nubian doe she has. She said she has a very small scur but nothing you can just pull off. The breeder she got her from has...

    Hello From FL

    Welcome from fellow Floridian!

    baby pics

    I love the ears too. I also love their roman nose. Rosebud is very talkative but misty is very quiet. She just lets out little low quiet bleats. She is our troublemaker though. She gets into everything. She constantly gets stuck in the fence, chews the back doorknob when we let them out in...

    baby pics

    The father of Woody is 1/8 boer. The others are not registered but they are pb nubian.

    baby pics

    The buck we used for Woody (the brown spotted one) is mostly white with some darker brown near his head and on his legs. The buck we used for the others (including Misty, Woody's mom) is mostly dark brown with a little spotting on one of his rear legs and frosted ears. The bucks don't belong...

    How long until you see scurs coming in?

    One of my nubian mommas has a "bump" on her head just like that. It has been like that since we bought her 3 years ago. It never grows so I guess it is not technically a scur but it is hard on the top like a horn is. I am still fairly new to all of this though.

    baby pics

    Thanks. Woody was my favorite so far too. Misty snuck him in on me in about 20 minutes. When I came outside and saw him on the ground all cleaned up I knew I was finally keeping one of my babies. Then I noticed.....oh no, boy parts. He made me consider keeping a buck, but I knew I did not...

    How long until you see scurs coming in?

    I would love to know the answer to this question too. I was taught to disbud by the breeder we bought our goats from. None of her goats have scurs. I have only done 6 or so and so far none have had scurs, that I know of. I keep in touch with everyone who has bought one of our babies from us...

    baby pics

    I was organizing pictures today and I thought I would show some pics of our babies. Lilly, our first little girl Woody, Misty's first born Jessie, our little girl who goes to her new home on the 24th:( Buzz, our little man who goes to his new home the same day as Jessie:( Our mommas...


    Thanks to all who responded. The cold hose seems to be working wonders. Today there is almost no swelling. She is barely walking with a limp. She isn't running and jumping around mind you, but she seems like she is in a lot less pain today. The joint is still very stiff. She is still...