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  1. Guinea Fowl Galore

    It is back

    :ep I'm there.......
  2. Guinea Fowl Galore

    BYC Update

    I can wait that long :) Maybe :hide Nah, I'll be fine. I'm usually in bed much later then that anyway.
  3. Guinea Fowl Galore

    Welcome Guests from BYC!

    I mean the Google search bar thing. But the other will work too I guess :P
  4. Guinea Fowl Galore

    BYC Update

    HEY!!! How did you get those cows? And does anybody know when the new site will actually be up?
  5. Guinea Fowl Galore

    Yet another BYCer.

    Oh I hope so :fl What a way to make people buy a GFM :rolleyes: There is an evil can-evil behind this. :P
  6. Guinea Fowl Galore

    Welcome Guests from BYC!

    I can not believe there isn't a search bar :ep How am I supposed to search for things :tongue
  7. Guinea Fowl Galore

    Yet another BYCer.

    Oh no :hit I forgot to do that. I REALLY hate that the names are all the same colour and then there is all that other stuff under your name, but above your avatar. That makes it messy too.
  8. Guinea Fowl Galore

    Yet another BYCer.

    I think all the advertising and stuff in the new site makes it messy. It pushes the posts and things aside, Not good.
  9. Guinea Fowl Galore

    BYC Update

    I feel more comfortable now that I have my BYC 'look' going :lau THE COW ARE JUST SOOOO DARN CUTE :frow :bun :bun hey, this ones even dancing in time with the music i'm listening to. ROCK IT COW.
  10. Guinea Fowl Galore

    Yet another BYCer.

    Alright. I know look the same as I do on BYC. Except without the 2200 so posts, the GFM and the sparkly spirit award :hit
  11. Guinea Fowl Galore

    Yet another BYCer.

    Ok, I can upload an avatar now. BRB.
  12. Guinea Fowl Galore

    Yet another BYCer.

    Everybody keeps saying the new site is simpler. I'm not buying it :rolleyes: I usually only greet selectively too *cough*Australians*cough*. But i'm not biased or anything :lol:
  13. Guinea Fowl Galore

