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  1. Hykue

    Bloating goat

    just wanted to update that everything appears okay today, one of the other does is looking a little off her game, but she's grazing okay, and the one who was down is up and about. I think her ligaments are softening (or I'm not good at checking, which is definitely also true), so maybe babies...
  2. Hykue

    Bloating goat

    she still wasn't looking great last night, and didn't seem to be in labor, so she got another dose of mineral oil and a bit more baking soda. about to go check them for the morning.
  3. Hykue

    Bloating goat

    ok, back from town, got mineral oil - she looks much better, up and about. two of the other three now have diarrhea too, but they're all up and looking perky enough. I should only oil them if they start looking unwell again, right? and she's not up on her vaccinations, unfortunately (yeah...
  4. Hykue

    Bloating goat

    Actually, I was surprised that she didn't seem more "inflated". Hmm. Maybe I'd better keep a really close eye on her. I'm going to feel like a jerk for drenching her if she's just in labor . . .
  5. Hykue

    Bloating goat

    i can go to town and get more mineral oil - veggie oil is not acceptable? and i can get penn g then too. i did read that other thread, i just lack confidence. she's probably my best goat, and due any day, so i'm worried for her.
  6. Hykue

    Bloating goat

    bad typing - nursing my baby my goats got into the feed stores yesterday. this morning three look okay but one was lying down, diarrhea-smeared butt, wouldn't get up. she's also hugely pregnant. i gave her a cup of oil (mixed mineral and canola, i ran out of mineral) and about 2 tablespoons...
  7. Hykue

    Licking an injury

    Thanks. I actually didn't even think of bluekote! I'll get some on Monday. As to the rain rot - it is possible, but it started when we were at the end of a drought, when she was one dry goat - would it have come up in drought conditions after an injury? It looked like a small scrape at...
  8. Hykue

    Licking an injury

    My older goat who seems to be having some more general problems (she WON'T eat her grain) has a small wound on her side. It started out about the size of a quarter. By the time I saw it it was already congealed, so I didn't disinfect it, but I have been keeping track of the skin around it, and...
  9. Hykue

    Cocci treatment for adult goat?

    Okay, thanks. I figured that would be the case, but everything assumed I was treating a kid, I just wanted to see if anyone had info specific for adults . . . so far, looks like no!
  10. Hykue

    Cocci treatment for adult goat?

    My older doe is still not doing all that well. She still won't eat her grain, her rumen is about 2x as big as it was when I got her last year (and has been for about 1 1/2 months), she's making milk but not very much, her kids are gaining slowly. (One only gained 7 lbs in the first month - she...
  11. Hykue

    Trying to learn about udders....PICS and ?'s...

    So I know, a kind of old post, but I wanted to add my hairy udder pics. :) This definitely seemed the right arena for these particular pictures. I would really like feedback (from what you can tell) on my girl's udder. My other doe . . . well, she hasn't eaten grain in three weeks and I...
  12. Hykue

    Ideas why lamb died . . .

    Thanks for the replies. I'm guessing it must have been the donkeys . . . it hasn't been hot at all, right around 60 mostly. Navel ill is possible, but I did dip her umbilical cord in iodine not too long after she was born. I don't actually keep the sheep with the donkeys, it was a mistake. I...
  13. Hykue

    Wow, a busy morning - placenta question

    Thanks . . . I went back out a bit later, and it was lying in the straw. I'm relieved, I was really hoping to find it so I wouldn't worry forever about it.
  14. Hykue

    Wow, a busy morning - placenta question

    I went back out to the barn to look at the dead lamb again and see if there was anything I could see and to pat mama . . . when I got there, one of my other ewes was clearly in hard labor. Her healthy ram lamb was born about 30 minutes later. I was there for the whole thing and have only left...
  15. Hykue

    Ideas why lamb died . . .

    This is a long post. I could really use some support and/or information. One of my Icelandic ewes had a ewe lamb 6 days ago. I was worried at first, but the lamb was energetic, peeing, and eventually I would see her sucking for longer periods and therefore I figured she was getting milk...
  16. Hykue

    Goat NOT eating grain

    Yeah, she stopped eating it when I got premixed goat grain with minerals - rolled barley, etc. But she ate that kind before. And now she won't eat even just plain oats. Or the home-mixed stuff I was giving them before she went off the grain. Her rumen always looks really truly enormous, is...
  17. Hykue

    Goat NOT eating grain

    My older doe is not eating any grain. She'll eat other treats (apples, carrots, other fruits and veggies), but she'll only eat a mouthful or two of any grain I've tried. She used to chow down on my homemade grain mix, the commercial mix, and plain oats. That was all I'd ever tried. Now she's...
  18. Hykue

    How do you know lamb is getting anything?

    Okay, thank you. I just couldn't imagine she was getting anything in the 3-7 seconds her mom would let her suck before turning around to make sure it was HER lamb (even though there's only one lamb right now). I guess she must be quick, because all signs point to eating (except the hunched...
  19. Hykue

    Milking fun

    I finally milked with some amount of efficiency today! I got everyone settled in an appropriate place, I put the feed down at just about the right time, I got a bit of a rhythm going! It was very exciting. Of course, just when I was almost done, she kicked my milk pail over. :/ Which is...
  20. Hykue

    How do you know lamb is getting anything?

    So I went back out (I hadn't been out in a few hours when I wrote the previous post), and the lamb was sleeping VERY deeply, Sand pawed at it a bunch trying to get it to wake up . . . it did, eventually, and followed us up to the barn. It seemed to wake up more when I stuck a collar on Sand and...