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  1. N

    Velveteen Lop Rabbits

    removed by NickTide
  2. N

    Breed ID.... polish?

    Thanks everyone. I went to and looked at those pictures and they have a very similar body type. The ones on the web site I am sure are show rabbits.
  3. N

    Breed ID.... polish?

    I was told these are polish but I am not sure. Anyone know? Thanks, Tide
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    Mixed Feed

    I have read that rabbits really dont like corn and isnt very good for them. never tried it. I have 1 very picky rabbit who loves pellets she digs the pellets out and dumps everything else into the pan so she gets one type of feed each day. its a mix of wheat, oats and pellets. she ignores...
  5. N

    Increasing hay to pellet ratio

    double post
  6. N

    Increasing hay to pellet ratio

    I have one picky eater. She will eat what I give her when other choices are gone. I feed just a litttle pellets. timothy hay for everyone and 50 / 50 timothy / alfalfa for pregnant and lactating does. for feed I mix 1.5 parts wheat, 1.5 parts crimped oats and 1 part pellets. Never feed...
  7. N

    What kind of Hay do you give your rabbit?

    More and more vets and other experts are not recommending pellets. They are almost entirely alfalfa which is extremely high in calcium. If your rabbit has a litter box (some of my rabbits do) there will be a coating of calcium in it. I feed my rabbits timothy hay, as much as they want. for...
  8. N

    Grasses for feed?

    while not a grass, check out sunchoke. it is a perenial sunflower with an edible root. The root is similar to a potato but higher in protein. The stalks grow 10ft and make a high protein hay.
  9. N

    peanut hay

    I posted on craigslist farm and garden section to find my hay farmer. I got mine for $4 for a 44lb bale of high quality timothy. I am in Maryland but I think it's grown everywhere. Also, orchard grass and brom is supposed to be pretty good too.
  10. N

    Does anyone mix their own feed?

    I have been going 50/50 oats and pellets for the last few weeks. I am adding wheat to this mixture. I feed them lots of hay too. this mixture gives me about 11 - 12% protein. Perfect for bucks and dry does. For wet or pregnent does and young bunnies their hay is about half alfalfa and half...
  11. N

    Chicken scratch, hay, and rabbits

    By accident I just found the rabbit part of the book I mentioned above printed online. Well worth the read. It comes complete with recipes with scratch grains.
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    Chicken scratch, hay, and rabbits

    I am moving my herd away from pellets and have done a lot of research. Since pregnant and nursing does need 17% or 18% protein and others need only about 11 - 12%. I tweeked a recipe I found in an older book (hoesteaders handbook to raising small livestock). My base is oats mixed with protein...
  13. N

    What to Plant for Rabbit and Chicken Pasture?

    The best info I can find on rabbit feeding comes from books, magazines and websites that are intended for meat rabbit farmers. Farmers are do it your selfers and operate on a small profit margin. I would recommend comfrey and jerusalem artichoke aka sunchoke. I am just starting with these but...
  14. N

    Pet Rabbit Breeds.

    As a kid I had a cute B and W Dutch bunny. He was very nice. I now have a Velveteen Lop (looking for a girl in the Maryland area) and he is extremely sweet and everything I read about them says they are very nice. Also English Lops and Rex's are generally nice as well. Hope this helps. Jay
  15. N

    Velveteen lops

    If you go back enough generations all velveteens have an English Lop crossed with a mini rex. Then it takes about 4 generations of selective breeding to get a V Lop. It seems that alot of V Lop breeders that started with the an E Lop and Min Rex, are burned out by the time they get decent V...
  16. N

    Velveteen lops

    I picked one in West Virginia last week. very nice rabbit. Came with a pedigree. Looking for a doe now.