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  1. J

    Need help with a name for our Buck

    That white patch of hair reminds of rudolphs friend fireball. Although he has a red patch. It is just the patch that reminds me of that even if he is shy. I have to say eclipse is an awesome name.
  2. J

    Had to euthanize a kid last night. :(

    I did not do it myself My husband took care of it. And sorry if I hurt your feelings I believe you did the right thing about putting the kid down. When Iwas reading your post, i just was not expecting details. I have personal reasons why I cant handle details of that nature. That is my own...
  3. J

    Had to euthanize a kid last night. :(

    I was just relaying my opinion and I do believe I have that right. I was not rude and i could have said alot worse. Also how am I supposed to know what he was going to write I was just reading and felt sorry for the guy. Whos being critical now? Also I have had to put some of my own goats down...
  4. J


    I think your right about nursing sooooo much. She is a little butter ball, but she is happy jumping around kicking her heels. I am not going to medicate until she stops acting like herself. the hair is growing back and it probably was baby fur. Thanks soooo much I appreciate it. I was being...
  5. J

    Had to euthanize a kid last night. :(

    I am truly sorry for your loss, but did you have to add that graphic picture of how you put him down. just for the record he should have been euthanized not shot. That is my own personal opinion. Just because you had a freak accident doesnt mean you shouldnt have goats. If you keep animals no...
  6. J


    I have also heard of people using seven, and where can I get cyclene? Thanks
  7. J

    HM Sarah Kidded!

  8. J


    I have a two week nigerian dwarf doeling that has some hairloss around her eyes and on top of her nose. I have looked online and none of the diseases describe what she has. There is no swelling, redness, flakes or nothing. She is acting normal. Maybe i am being a paranoid mother.
  9. J

    They grow so fast!

    Just wanted to say he is GORGEOUS nice job;)
  10. J

    When to wean?

    I have seen the baby nurse from both sides just one side more than the other.
  11. J

    When to wean?

    The baby is 10 days old today. When is a good time to start taking some milk for myself? Also this is mamas first freshenerand she had one kid a doeling. YEAH! More milk next year and babies ttoooo. I cant wait. There is nothing more cute than baby goats.
  12. J

    Help to much information

    That is sooo true. This morning after feeding and watering I went and sat with them like I usually do and what a joy it was to see all three of them running, jumping, spinning in the air, racing back and forth, and kicking there heals. If that is not a sign of happy goats I dont know what is. :lol:
  13. J

    reducing trauma of second disbudding

    I would not try a second disbudding. it is very traumatic. In my earlier years with goats I had horns removed when they were about 8 inches long and the goat was anesthetized. It was the worst experience with goats. The crying is like listening to a baby cry, and I cried right beside him. I felt...
  14. J

    Help to much information

    Thanks soo much. I cant find any DiMethox around here, I am going to try the vet next andsee if they can order it for me, and maybe get out of the shipping fees. It is just a thought and it does not hurt to ask. None of my goats have runny poops. I have had for about a week now and seem to be...
  15. J

    When to wean?

    The baby is 8 days old today. She also seems to prefer one side so mama is a little lopsided, but not bad though. Thanks for the info I never would have thought of that.
  16. J

    When to wean?

    I want to milk my mama goat but want to keep baby on her as long as she needs to be. Is this possible? And is doing this going to hurt mamas future milk production? and Do I run the risk of mama drying up/ Thanks:/
  17. J

    Help to much information

    Thanks for all the GREAT info. Where do they sell DiMethox? Can you get it at tractor supply?
  18. J

    Help to much information

    Thanks for your input. I apppreciate it.
  19. J

    I'm a new Goat Momma!

    I am new to byh also. I have also just received my first dairy goats. I have had goats in the past but only as pets. I have 3 nigerian dwarf. One is 8 days old and literally bounces alll over the place it is soooooo funny to watch her. Goats have so much personality it is crazy. I love them more...
  20. J

    Help to much information

    I just bought my first dairy goats. Three Nigerian dwarf females. One is 5 months old, and I have a mama and her 8 day old doeling. I have done so much research online I think I have tooo much info. I am scared about coccidia. What vaccinations are necessary? I plan on giving cdt, tetnus and...