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  1. N

    Feeding Practices ~ Rabbits

    Im curious about feeding tree limbs. What kind of trees? Small tender branches? Nutritional value or mainly to keep teeth from growing too long.
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    Oh wow! You have been very busy. Do you grow your own fruit?
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    I try to limit the numers in my 30x30 grow out cages to four bunnies. Sometimes I can have less depending on numbers and other empty cages. Have occasionally had to pull out two small temp cages to prevent overcrowding and fights till we can dispatch a few.
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    That taco soup sounds wonderful!
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    I love to can, in fact plan to can some rabbit meat soon. Anyone else can meats?
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    I got two rabbits Need help

    So what is your question specifically?
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    Keeping Bunny's Cool

    Last summer before I got an air conditioner in my rabbitry I used frozen water bottles. Rabbits tore them all up. I would use the tiles if I needed to get by without ac.
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    Very aggressive doe

    Ive not had any aggressive problems like this but im afraid in my rabbitry their isn't enough room for a rabbit im afraid of.
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    new buck cant use water bottle

    Yes he finally did figure it out. I used. A small bowl and a large water bottle and he finally quit using the bowl. A little thick headed I think. Lol
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    Ear mites

    I agree with animalmom and I only treat the rabbit that has mites. One of my does showed signs in her ears this last week and I thought I could give her a little shot real quick. No need for hubby to help with such a small needle and a caged rabbit. Learned my lesson though as she used my nose...
  11. N

    Feeding Practices ~ Rabbits

    Desert of West Texas Rabbit pellets Calf manna for pregnant and nursing does Supplemented with timothy hay or grass Carrots, celery etc for treats Salt and mineral licks Doesnt change much with seasons except for less grass and more hay in our short winters. I love the idea of pine cones as...
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    losing over half the litter

    I just use the 16 oz size water bottles but any size frozen will give them something cool to lay on or cuddle against.
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    First time cooking Rabbit...need AMAZING recipe!!!

    Rabbit meat is not gamey so I would not bother with the milk. Brine is recommended in some cookbooks but I belive most people here agree with me that brining is not necessary. As long as it rests for about 24 hours your meat will be tender. I cook my rabbits whole for all recipes except frying...
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    First time cooking Rabbit...need AMAZING recipe!!!

    I make rabbit and dumplins that are a huge hit. Also love rabbit enchiladas and rabbit stew. Let your rabbit sit in fridge for 24 hours after harvest before you cook it. Gets you past the rigor stage in the meat and makes it much more tender.
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    losing over half the litter

    Hang in there. It wil get better. The calf manna will make a big difference. I feed my does and then pour the calf manna on top of their food so it first. You might also consider frozen water bottles in the cage during the hottest part of yhe day to give the doe something cold to lie...
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    losing over half the litter

    I start supplementing my does right after I breed them. I give 1\4 cuo a day. I continue until I wean the buns at 4 weeks. This has worked very well for me.
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    losing over half the litter

    I know this is difficult to take as I was in my fourth month of raising rabbits before I finally began to see some success. This web site helped me achieve that success. One thing I was not doing that helped me get to that point was supplementing my does with calf manna. Maybe that would help...
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    How do I.....

    :lol:Vickie I spewed coke all over my screen when I read your post!:lol:
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    3rd false pregnancy

    I have not had any problems with false pregnancies, but it seems strange to me that she would pull fur on day 15. That seems way too early. Not sure I would breed her again if you are sure the buck has been successful with her.
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    losing over half the litter

    I go with a three strikes and you're out policy. And its a good things for all 10 of my does as 8 of them did not do well as moms until their third litter.