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  1. Cajunsamoan

    lil mamma and billy our new goats

    They are so cute!
  2. Cajunsamoan

    My hatch-Chicken chicks & new silkie cross chick

    Oh no! I'm so sorry, that is never easy. I'm :fl that the rest are healthy.
  3. Cajunsamoan

    My hatch-Chicken chicks & new silkie cross chick

    Awww, the babies are so cute. :weee
  4. Cajunsamoan

    Twin Bucklings on the ground at 1:30 pm

    They are just beautiful! Congratulations.
  5. Cajunsamoan

    Like kids at a candy store

    That's funny! :lau
  6. Cajunsamoan

    My hatch-Chicken chicks & new silkie cross chick

    They are good! I went out this morning to take away the rest of her eggs, since the last one hatched five days ago. To my surprise one was just hatching! Here are the two that hatched last weekend. The reddish one is buff orpington/rhode island red.
  7. Cajunsamoan


    Great pictures! They are so cute.
  8. Cajunsamoan

    My hatch-Chicken chicks & new silkie cross chick

    Aww, the chicks are so adorable!
  9. Cajunsamoan

    My hatch-Chicken chicks & new silkie cross chick

    :weee I'm so excited for you. :fl on the rest of them.
  10. Cajunsamoan

    Our Visit to the Harley Goat Farm

    Oh, it looks like you had so much fun. Beautiful girls!
  11. Cajunsamoan

    My hatch-Chicken chicks & new silkie cross chick

    Thank you Farmer Kitty and thewife. I think this baby is the cutest little thing! I can't wait for the others.
  12. Cajunsamoan

    My hatch-Chicken chicks & new silkie cross chick

    Mom is a game. Dad is a silkie. It will be very interesting to see what it looks like as it grows. Some of the other eggs are from my buff orpington and silkie hens. I also have a rhode island red rooster. It's kind of like a science experiment every time chicks hatch around here.
  13. Cajunsamoan

    The new girl

    What a sweetie! :love
  14. Cajunsamoan

    My hatch-Chicken chicks & new silkie cross chick

    Apparently I was wrong about when my broody started. The chicks that I thought would hatch around the 26th started yesterday. Here is the first one. I have at least two others that I can see have pipped. It's so exciting!
  15. Cajunsamoan


    Thank you so much. I am going to try this for sure.
  16. Cajunsamoan


    Don't I know! When we moved here our donkey came with the property. I guess after three years she decided to start stomping calves and so the previous owner left her. She is on 40 acres and is completely wild. I've been trying to get a farrier out because I am extremely concerned about her...
  17. Cajunsamoan


    Do you think that this would work with a donkey?
  18. Cajunsamoan

    Im new

    :frow I wandered over from backyardchickens as well. I hope you enjoy it here as much as I have.