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  1. L

    Grandkids want a horse or pony

    I've been trying to get my grandkids evolved in 4H for 3 years now but gave up. Don't have much available in our County. We have dairy goats and the kids wanted to do something in 4H with them. They might have something for horses I'll have to try again. But everytime I call the local office...
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    Grandkids want a horse or pony

    I was wondering about that but I heard about the horses possibly kicking the goats and killing them so were planning on keeping them separate. They will be in the pasture right next to the goats. As far as rushing into something this is something we've been talking about for 3 1/2 years. The...
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    Grandkids want a horse or pony

    I noticed that you have dairy goats and horses. I have another question for you, have you ever run your goats and horses together in the same pen? I'm concerned that a horse could hurt the goats. I've seen someone a few miles from me that runs some Boer goats in with several of his horses...
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    Grandkids want a horse or pony

    I live just N of Birmingham, AL
  5. L

    Grandkids want a horse or pony

    Yes thank you everyone it is very sound advice, alot to think about before we buy. Makes me nervous about it anyway. But thanks again Pepper
  6. L

    Getting a pony horse to live with our dairy goats??

    Thanks guys it's a lot to think about before we get one, we may have to wait until next year when we open up a little more pasture and put her by herself. At least we'll have the option if we need to separate them. Thanks again
  7. L

    Grandkids want a horse or pony

    Hi everyone my grandkids have been asking for a horse for several years now. We have chickens and dairy goats but I've never owned a horse. First the kids are 3, 8 & 10, what to get a pony or horse? I ordered and DVD on horse lameness and I've heard a little about what to feed but what do I...
  8. L

    new to livestock! Please tell me how you keep the barn clean

    I too clean my little barn out every morning. But my goats share there little 2 room barn with about 20 hens. Last year someone told me to just leave the hay pile up in their stalls and keep adding fresh hay as needed so I tried that, I had cleaned the whole barn out about 2 weeks before my...
  9. L

    Getting a pony horse to live with our dairy goats??

    Hi guys, I only have a 2 acre pasture right now with 5 does in it. We are thinking of getting the grandkids a small horse or pony for Easter. We have a friends house about a block away with over 40 acres and she said that the kids could ride her over there but the rest of the time they would...
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    Question about pasture for horse/pony and goats

    We have 3 acres that we have 3 Dairy goats on right now. It was pretty well wooded at first but thanks to the goats and my husband coming along behind them to remove the stumps is starting to look pretty good. It has a slope to it that isn't too bad thought it might be good excersize for a...
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    Very agressive buck

    Thanks we kept trying but yes, we finally had to let him go. I found a real nice young man who said he was gonna use him for breeding his Lamanchas. I told him the problem he said not to worry that he could control him. We know now not to play with the bucks like that anymore. Our doe is fine...
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    Ok, I'm really nervous

    From what we saw, when we put them back together in Oct. she wouldn't let him near her. They were together untill the end of Dec. then he started getting too rough so we split them up again. Anyway I might of been off on the date, I wrote on the calender the middle Feb. possiable due date. But...
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    Ok, I'm really nervous

    I sent a message a few months back about my buck getting in with my female and not knowing weather or not she was preggers. She is Saanen and is now 1 year old. We think it was possible that he got her back about the end of Aug. but were not really sure what to look for. They were only...
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    Goat for beginners

    I'm new to goats also, I bought a buck first last Feb. he was 2 1/2 mos. when we got him. We played with him all the time, he was a lot of fun. But he was by himself for about another 2 1/2 mos. Then we finally found a female mate. They were both Saanens. Both were a lot of fun until the last...
  15. L

    So what to feed this pregger goats?

    I've been hearing about sprouts, what kind and how do I make them, what type of seeds do I use. Thanks Pepper
  16. L

    Is Chicken feed bad for goats?

    I've had my goats for about a year now and I heard that chicken feed wasn't good for them, I wasn't sure why. My goats share the same barn with the chickens, I've started using the layer pellets and throwing them on the ground, its the only way to keep my goats out of it. I worry more now...
  17. L

    Building a Horse barn??

    There is just so much to think about. We only have 3 acers 2 that are fenced and one that we use for trails through the woods. My granddaughter wants a pony and I thought about getting her a small horse instead and one for me to ride with her. But there might be enough to graise but I don't...
  18. L

    Anyone ever tried the Udderly EZ Milker for goats

    Thanks guys, I guess the EZ milker might be ok for occasional milking, for when I'm gone and my husband has to take over. Do the regular milking machines cause problems on the does with regular use also then too?? What usually causes Mastitis? I know about using the teat dip. Pepper
  19. L

    Fencing thru wooded area

    Thank you I will look into that, we are just using a small solar charger with the wire. It is grounded but I don't know how far down my husband went with the grounding rods he kept hitting rocks. We used 3 grounding rods a few feet apart. The guy at TS said this would be plenty for keeping...