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  1. 2

    Need advice on chicken coop

    The wire slat floor too. ;) You are welcome. Learn from others mistakes. Life hurts less that way. Honestly that rubber mat is a blessing in disguise really. I would use it and see how it goes.
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    Need advice on coop and run from a converted stall

    Option one is the most logical. The only issue I see would be that the run is narrow and chasing down a chicken in there or cleaning it could be a bit challenging. I am thinking you should not need to line the inside with hardware cloth. If they have four walls and a roof you should be in grand...
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    Need advice on chicken coop

    You may end up putting some painted plywood on those bars. It looks like that could be the hard part to clean. I am not sure of the spacing on the bars BUT I had a hen have as freak accident. She got a single toe caught in the only exposed slot on my mental brackets that hold my roosts. She...
  4. 2

    Can a wyandotte have a single comb?

    OK Grey Made has a very good point. Are these even Wyandotte's?? Pictures are needed. :)
  5. 2

    Can a wyandotte have a single comb?

    I have seen hatchery wyandottes with single combs. Not entirely unusual but not a desired trait.
  6. 2

    Update - Help identify chick breeds.

    In my batch of ten from a hatchery I have one confirmed boy. Also all are supposed to be girls. :hide
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    Broody hen thread

    That is the catch isn't it. I would guess it depends on what the buyers in your area are looking for. Here it is easier to sell 14 week old pullets unless I am selling some special hard to get breed. I would say selling started pullets has always been easier for me. Heck people find out I got...
  8. 2

    White leghorn or white rock?

    I still say white rock not leghorn. She has more growing to do since she is young. I have had BA that were much different in size. Little Rue weighed a full pound less then her hatch mate Kanga. In my current batch of BA chicks for example some carry the tail up and some down, 2 have long backs...
  9. 2

    Broody hen thread

    My broody hens still get off the nest most of the time. They run a crazed dash for a huge and smelly poo then to the water and feed then sometimes a bath sometimes back to the nest skipping a bath. Personally..... If you cannot have roos then getting her to adopt means you have the option of...
  10. 2

    Need advice on chicken coop

    They get combs early if they are boys. Mine has a comb 2 to 3 times the size of the birds in your pics. I think yours are right around 5 weeks in your pics. The pics you posted are for sure girls. I will have to dig out the camera and then get on the desktop computer to try and get a pic of the...
  11. 2

    Broody hen thread

    NOT ME....It's the hens..... Really it is all them. :hide
  12. 2

    Broody hen thread

    Boy ain't that the truth. Bitty was to early and the unnamed BA was to late. The BA is only 9 months old so not sure how well she will do. I may wait a week more as the awesome feed store is getting in more desirable breeds next week. Maybe partridge wyandotte will sell fast for me. Of course a...
  13. 2

    Broody hen thread

    I gave my Bitty bantam chicks last year. She is a super good mama. I gave her chicks again this year. Now I have a BA that is solid and has been setting for a month almost. I am getting a couple chicks for her today. If she had only done this earlier she could have raised the ordered chicks...
  14. 2

    Need advice on chicken coop

    They mellow a lot when they start laying. :cool: Mine never like getting picked up. I do handle mine a little each day too. Makes adult health checks easier. I have a cockerel in my lot of chicks this year. :he even at just 5 weeks he is acting up. He would be an ornery too given what I am...
  15. 2

    White leghorn or white rock?

    I think for 13 weeks she looks just fine. Maybe she IS hatchery quality but she needs more time to fill out. My flock has some slow growing breeds and given time most fill out just fine. If you got them to show them or for breeding then MAYBE she isn't the best quality. If they are for...
  16. 2

    BYC Conversion Questions & Answers (During Conversion)

    :celebrate Thank you Nifty!! You and your team are amazing!! I do miss my roost a lot as I am sure do others. I am also sure almost all the BYH folks won't mind some quiet lol. o_O I am hanging in there but I just may have a stress molt! :ep
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    Need advice on chicken coop

    My Aussies have been my best long term layers. I had a flock years ago and even at 5 years old most laid daily. I had to give them away as I had to move to town so no idea how well they did after that. My current flock has a lot of Aussie babies in it. They are very trouble free birds. Cute...
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    Need advice on chicken coop

    Aussies are my all time favorite breed. Just wait til they get the adult feathers in! The colors are very pretty. I know very little about the red sex links sadly. I think erring on the side of caution is a good idea.... Especially since you would not want that kiddo to be the one to find the body.
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    Another displaced chicken addict

    I am locking up as well. I guess it is time to shut down and sit on the fence.
  20. 2

    Need advice on chicken coop

    I would use 1/2inch hardware cloth instead of chicken wire. Coons can rip through and reach through chicken wire. It looks like the existing wire should keep larger critters out. What about weasels and snakes? Not sure what critters are in your area. You may want to do the hardware cloth the...