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  1. 2

    Another displaced chicken addict

    Hi kdogg! You found a few of us!! I miss BYC. I know they are working hard on getting the coop repainted and moving the roosts. :caf I have a hard time finding my way with all these big critters. I keep finding myself looking over the fence at our old home.
  2. 2

    White leghorn or white rock?

    X2 that comb is way to small for even a young leghorn pullet and the red ears seal the deal. Pretty bird!
  3. 2

    Another displaced chicken addict

    I am glad it worked out aart. I would have been pretty freaked out finding a pipped stuck to the Turner! Did the little one make it the rest of the way out?
  4. 2

    Guess the pet (Breed and Gender)(For learning)

    :clap Well I looked for the dancing bunny and that ain't there. His daddy sure did have some strong genes! Handsome dog by the way. I just tell people mine are more exotic then the common labradoodle. Mine are german wired weimareiners. Mine have German engineering.:p Again to tired to care...
  5. 2

    Guess the pet (Breed and Gender)(For learning)

    Great Pyrenees??? I would think some white would be there but that is my final guess. GP/Lab. I have half weimareiner half wire haired pointers that get accused of being labradoodles or giant schnauzers. o_O Oh and I can't spell today lol.
  6. 2

    Another displaced chicken addict

    Lol condos? Now that is funny. At least you got the one out of harms way before a fatal issue. I am tempted to pick up a couple chicks for my first time broody BA. She is one of Bitty's kids from last summer so not even a year old!! The feed store that will take the roo back is getting BA in...
  7. 2

    Guess the pet (Breed and Gender)(For learning)

    Well it ain't Corgi..... Jack Russell is unlikely too lol Something in the mastiff family.................. Not a leonberger....... Heck throw me a bone I am stumped. Kangal are super rare BUT..... He has some of the features.......
  8. 2

    Another displaced chicken addict

    I read that about the dwarf hamsters. What a shame to have to separate them. The larger one is for sure a male? I read the females are larger then the males. I could be wrong as Google has lots of answers but lots are wrong answers.
  9. 2

    Another displaced chicken addict

    Awwww! His little ears are so cute!! AND...... He's solo fluffy!!! I think you chose well. How is your little doe doing? I sure hope it is just from the move and she will right herself. Yes he (Jake) is looking like he will be quite grand when grown. There is another I am watching too. No...
  10. 2

    Another displaced chicken addict

    The Cochin I can take back to whence he came. Jake is a BA. Yup I went and named the little jerk! Way to little chicken talk here and a few to many ornery mules too. Lots of folks up in arms about the chicken invasion. :p
  11. 2

    Guess the pet (Breed and Gender)(For learning)

    Lab and (want to say moose) but will go with Newfie.
  12. 2

    Another displaced chicken addict

    I am missing the old coop! I cannot seem to find much on this one and it's hard to use. (Stompy feet and flail) <<<<that is a smiley face thingy we need!! Other note.... The little cockerel has to go soon. No he is not crowing at 5 weeks old BUT he puffed up and had a looooonnnngggg standoff...
  13. 2

    Update - Help identify chick breeds.

    I will hazard a guess. The first one looks to be a gold laced wyandotte (male) with a poor comb type. OR this is THE lightest colored BSL I have ever seen. Two is a salmon faverolle. You do know this one has scissor beak right? Three is a silver laced wyandotte. Not sure on the first posts pics.
  14. 2

    Help! A bunch of my laying hens have Ascites Syndrome!

    Mycotoxins in poultry feed is something I am reading about and is from the environment (molds). Aflatoxin is another thing to read up on. I am just starting to read about them so do not know much. Those two look to have a link to hypertension which is associated with ascitis is chickens...
  15. 2

    Help! A bunch of my laying hens have Ascites Syndrome!

    They are young so this is distressing. Did you get them all from the same place? From what I understand it is preceded by heart disease or tumors on the heart or liver. The yellow spots you found could be that perhaps? Unfortunately there is no treatment. I did read that it is genetically...
  16. 2

    Guess the pet (Breed and Gender)(For learning)

    Saint Bernard mixed with great dane???
  17. 2

    Guess the pet (Breed and Gender)(For learning)

    Newfoundland mixed with a great Dane???
  18. 2

    Another displaced chicken addict

    It may be a bit of a drive for them lol. Thing is they always want my precious Aussies. I did sell 3 to a good friend BUT I miss them. They were out of Bittys group from last summer. I am looking forward to seeing what hatches from all those eggs you got.