Search results

  1. M

    Organic Vegetables?

    We raise an organic garden and the goats LOVE the fresh veggies and herbs. They wait by the fence when anyone goes to the garden hoping for a handout. Corn stalks and green bean plants are favorites. We do LIMIT the amount (makes those goodies last a whole season) and do not feed tomato vines...
  2. M

    Copper (Copasure) Bolus for goats

    I got some new Nubians this year with sparse coats, just no shine. Really got to see what a difference that copper bolus made ... sheen appeared and coloration changed to a darker shade within about a week. Took a month or so for their coats to grow in thicker and beautiful. All of the...
  3. M

    New to Goats - Just got 2

    Yea, I vote for possible Nigerian dwarfs and absolutely beautiful! When planning that pen, 20 x 20 should be a good start, but be sure to make all plans with expansion in mind. Having goats becomes a passion and they do multiply. My herd began with Just Two! Get down to interact with them at...
  4. M

    Why I want more goats and why I shouldn't...

    Well, let's see--animal therapy is used in healthcare settings simply because watching and being around goats (or pets in general) lowers stress level and blood pressure. Yet, blood pressure tends to rise as we age when vessels lose some of their flexibility/elasticity. Therefore, I am...
  5. M

    doeling runt not doing so well....

    With recent "newly purchased goat" experiences, I have had good success with Baycox/Toltrazuril for cocci. It's expensive, but thought you might like to know that Horse PreRace is offering discounted pricing during August (email at Great thing is that you give only one...
  6. M

    Trust - Destroyed

    I think every person who loves animals can relate. Not all animals easily accept people--that's why I feel it's important to be with our goats at birth when the bonding begins. Then, for some animals it takes more time to reconnect after you have caused them discomfort. If you've tried calm...
  7. M

    doeling runt not doing so well....

    Had such difficulty with a doeling about 2 months and already small for her age. Don't know about the experience of others, would definitely provide blood builder, vitamin B, and probiotics; in addition, blackberry leaves were such a help for our little girl. She appeared to like them and...
  8. M

    CL injection lameness

    I hope you are using the new CL GOAT vaccine (given 1 ml SQ in the neck area and repeated after one week) recently released at the end of June. Until that time, people were using the vaccine developed for sheep, which was besought with possible side effects when used in goats. Ordered a supply...
  9. M

    Help, CL disease!! **** Pictures very worried!

    I would suggest getting your goat tested as soon as possible because having the absess erupt puts your whole herd at risk and contaminates your pens/pasture. I, too, had CLA appear out of nowhere. Developed in a nannie nursing twins. Vet guesses that CLA took advantage of compromised immunity...
  10. M

    Anyone have any advice?

    I had the same problem! Our Great Pyrenese was trained to stay within the bounds of the yard and pasture to protect the cows/goats. He is absolutely great at his job. But, when the fence wire got broken the animals got out, that is, all EXCEPT for the guard dog. He did exactly what he was...
  11. M

    Why is it so hard to let them go?!? **UPDATE**---Another One Leaving

    These are all beautiful! I don't show my goats, so I don't choose my 4-legged children by their looks...only by their smiles. Since no one can keep them all, we have to believe that there are many, many other people who love (or will learn to love) everything goaty just as much as you do...