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  1. FarmerDenise


    Thanks Roll farms. I will call my vet and ask if they will prescibe it. I am fortunate to have a good large animal vet in the area. I find it is good to be well prepared, before going to talk to a vet though. ;) Hopefully they will prescribe it without having me bring the goats in. But they were...
  2. FarmerDenise


    I belive my goats have lungworm. They have been coughing for a couple of months now. I have treated them with safe-guard (fenbendazole) and they are still coughing. I discovered some moldy bedding hay and cleaned it out. I had hoped that the dry weather would help clear everything up, but then...
  3. FarmerDenise

    Ear issues? Maybe? Update and need expert advice!

    Thanks for clarifying that. We had such a bad experience with a dog we inherited, that I prefer to err on the side of caution!! I am a newby when it comes to goats, I defer to your counsil ;)
  4. FarmerDenise

    LAWNS OR MEADOWS;What do you have?

    We got goats and we don't have lawn. We did want to have something to keep the weeds down in the winter months and were willing to sacrifice part of our lot for summer pasture. We have electric netting and are rotating the goat pasture on our little farm (less than 1 acre) The goats are teaching...
  5. FarmerDenise

    doe code, I was sick,sick sick Pics added

    Whoohoo, thank goodness for the easy delivery. they sure are cute. hope you feel better quick, so you can enjoy them better!
  6. FarmerDenise

    Lump under ear, is it CL?

    I am keeping him seperate from the girls. It is rather difficult to do, since we don't have much space. We are also expecting some very bad weather, cold and rain :( We were able to make a makehsift shelter for him by leaning old funky plywood against an old boat we have, but this won't do in...
  7. FarmerDenise

    Ear issues? Maybe? Update and need expert advice!

    My Blossom has lots of earwax. I found I have to go and clean them out with a cotton swab 2 or 3 days in a row, when I notice it. Then she is fine for a while. He lamancha ears ar more difficult to get into than Flower's, so I guess the wax is more likely to stay in there. LaMancha's are know...
  8. FarmerDenise

    Lump under ear, is it CL?

    Ok, I am trying to decide, can I sell him on CL or do I shoot him!!! I need to make my money back, but I'd rather cut my losses, before I get my girls sick. I really am at my financial end. We lost another big employer in my area this week. Jobs are just not that available. I have been looking...
  9. FarmerDenise

    Lump under ear, is it CL?

    Is it common for CL lumps to grow this fast. I spent a lot of time grooming him 2 days ago. I know there was nothing there at that time, yesterday I was quick about the gooming, so I am not 100% sure. Groomng the goats is a way for me to relax. So I try to do it every couple of days. And since...
  10. FarmerDenise

    Lump under ear, is it CL?

    Thanks RF. Does that mean as long as it doesn't pop, chances are my girls haven't got it? And Is it ok to sell him for meat?
  11. FarmerDenise

    Lump under ear, is it CL?

    Our boer buckling has a large lump under his ear. It developed very suddenly. I groom him almost daily, since he loves having his face combed. I did not notice anything yesterday. I have seperated him from my doelings (la mancha crosses). I cut the fur over the swelling and marked the outline...
  12. FarmerDenise

    How will i know when my does are pregnant ??

    I just checked them out. It is good to know they are available and the prices don't seem too outrageous either. Thanks for posting this Free.
  13. FarmerDenise

    New Baby

    That is so awfull that those dogs got your goats. We had a dog demolish our chicken flock one years. Sure glad you got some of them! Hope your little one and his mom do well.
  14. FarmerDenise

    Updated...February - Doodle kidded, pics page 32

    :caf So did you get your nap in? :lol:
  15. FarmerDenise

    Emergency, for new member, need baby goat help

    I am still paranoid about my two. We got them as 5 day old bottle babies. There was some trouble with them, because they were small and had some issues adjusting to cow's milk. Then just as I was weaning them they each got very sick. I was up with them all night, took them to the vet, shelled...
  16. FarmerDenise

    :( update I have a one day old Boer kid in my bed asleep

    So sorry that she didn't make it, but at least she was well cared for while she was here. You did a good job.
  17. FarmerDenise

    goats love to eat spruce trees

    Be careful about trees that have been in peoples houses or especially businesses. They may have been sprayed with fire retardent. Some wash off, but you would have to know what was used. You also need to check for things left in the tree. I found hooks in the one I received.
  18. FarmerDenise

    Getting a buckling, what should I ask and check for

    I have had a hard time finding a buck to breed my two does. I don't care about what kind of offspring I get, since I just want milk from my girls. I plan on selling the kids, probably for meat. I found a boer cross buckling on CL about an hours drive away. He is supposedly about 7-8 month old...
  19. FarmerDenise

    Arrrgh! (venting about my Boer buckling search)

    You'd think someone out there would have one and be happy to sell it to you. Why do people have to be so rude!