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  1. FarmerDenise

    Toys for goats?

    You guys really got me thinking. Now I am going to have to go and make some toys for my girls. We have some large stumps I can try and put in their pasture. I had considered giving them some jugs, especially since I use one to bring their feed and they always stick their head in it. We plan on...
  2. FarmerDenise

    My Sheep Journal~ I'm a grandma! Black Betty had twins!!!

    My critters do that to me too. They strike some really cute or bizzare pose, I run into the house to get the camera and they do boring stuff again. :rolleyes: Then I walk around with the camera for an hour or two, getting pictures of the corn growing.... I wish I had a barn and just a wee bit...
  3. FarmerDenise

    Set up for a rabbit outside

    Our chinchilla rabbit is outside all the time. He is at the side of the house on a concrete pad with 6 foot high chain link fence around his enclosure. I stacked crates up to support a piece of plywood to provide additional shelter for the rabbit. I also stack wooden boxes to resemble burrows...
  4. FarmerDenise

    My Sheep Journal~ I'm a grandma! Black Betty had twins!!!

    WE have got to get a pic of the hen riding on Black Betty!!! I hope I can SO to let me keep our sweet corn stalks for our goats. I used to glean all the dried sweet corn for the chickens and give the stalks to the neighbor for his goats. Sorry to be talking about goats, but that's what I...
  5. FarmerDenise

    Looking to buy some goats

    :lol: You are so right about them being lapdogs, I have the bruises to prove it too,:P
  6. FarmerDenise

    How many animals do you have?

    2 goats 1 rabbit 1 dog 2 cats 20 or so chickens 1 fancy goldfish 3 baby goldfish 1 large feeder goldfish in the outside pond. lots of mosquito fish
  7. FarmerDenise

    Another Reason Goats Shouldn't Eat Chicken Feed W/PICS!!!

    I am just cracking up, guffawing over that one. It just so happens that one of ours was wearing a bucket this morning. :lau :gig :lau :gig
  8. FarmerDenise

    Looking to buy some goats

    I have lamancha crosses (they are still babies though, 6 months old). I just love them. Yay for you :weee
  9. FarmerDenise

    wisteria vine

    I was just about to ask about tomato plants. My two doelings make a beeline for the tomato plants, whenever I take them out. I haven't really let them have more than a bite or two, but I am concerned about what will happen, when we let them out of their enclosure into the garden where we have...
  10. FarmerDenise

    wisteria vine

    My neighbor said his goats acted goofy after eating wisteria, so he doesn't go out of his way to feed them wisteria, but they do still have access to them. Mine have on occasion nibbled on them too. I read that the pods are toxic.
  11. FarmerDenise

    *whew* Finally we're done

    :love What breed are they?
  12. FarmerDenise

    Oh, man... I'm hoping it's just **UPDATE 2** 2 are relapsing??

    You can give your goats yogurt or kefir too (just make sure it is unsweetened and has live cultures in it). These are probiotics and help the digestive tract. When my baby goats were sick the vet also suggested electrolites. I get the ones in an envelope for around $5, they have vitamins in them...
  13. FarmerDenise

    Bottle Feeding warm milk or not?

    All my sources including the vet said to offer them grain from day one. It develops their rumen. So offer it, even if she doesn't eat it. She will eventually. She should also be starting on alfalfa and oat hay.
  14. FarmerDenise

    Bottle Feeding warm milk or not?

    I warmed the milk for my little ones. I think they drank more when I heated the milk than when I didn't. Mine are now 11 weeks old and I still warm the milk at least to room temp.
  15. FarmerDenise

    My Sheep Journal~ I'm a grandma! Black Betty had twins!!!

    I found this site on on Goldenseal, which discusses the cultivation. Here's to hoping you have a little one or two in the morning ;)
  16. FarmerDenise

    weanign goats, vet's advice

    No where in my post does it suggest to feed the baby goats milk only. The vet recommended that especially with bottle babies that they be fed their bottles til at least 12 weeks. That does not say they shouldn't be getting grain and hay. A doe or cow will usually push the baby away, when it is...
  17. FarmerDenise

    weanign goats, vet's advice

    I just found out from our vet, who also does 4H, that it is better for goats to stay on milk for at least 12 weeks. He said that the 8 -10 weak weaning is driven by large scale agriculture and is not neccessarily for optimum health for the baby. He has his 4H kids feed milk to their goats...
  18. FarmerDenise

    Weaning Advice

    I am just reducing the amount I feed at each feeding. That way they still have the comfort of us going out and feeding them their bottles. We have one more week to go. I think for the last couple of days I will skip feedings.
  19. FarmerDenise

    Very difficult birth...goat now shaking and baahhing

    Just checking and hoping everything is ok.