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  1. bigmike

    4 Lamancha dairy bottle babies. New pics pg 6!

    They are so precious :love..I wish you didn't live so far of them would make a great match for Cupcake..they would have such pretty babies...
  2. bigmike

    Goats Eating the Bark!!

    I wish they would chew up and kill mesquite trees...Thats all i have in the goat pen and the back pasture...But no, they want me to cut them branches from the Hackberries and the nonbearing Pomegranite up by the house...Mine aren't getting any browse right now because there isn't to give...
  3. bigmike

    The Goat Escape

    aren't they fun...was it you that had the goats escaping through the window and going around to let the others out..someone had that not long mischevious Nigerian kept escaping and i couldn't figure it out..then i saw her one saturday..she was jumping the gate to the area beside the...
  4. bigmike

    Ginger's kidding thread

    I'm so jealous..I wish dixie would get on with it..But she's using the doe code to full effect..I'm sure she'll wait until Saturday when we supposed to get thunderstorms and while i'm gone to get hay and feed..I guess that's better than having it/them when it was 18 degrees....they are so pretty...
  5. bigmike

    BarredRockMomma (I'm still here)

    I understand that...Luckily no one can take anything from my office without me being here ...And since it's mail no one bothers it anyway because everyone knows it is a federal offense ..My hardest thing is trying to keep occupied and not die of boredom...I spend a LOT of time online and...
  6. bigmike

    BarredRockMomma (I'm still here)

    Yeah I noticed that the VA was pushing for better care for female vets...And I think it is a great thing...Y'all are my sisters and deserve the same good care as all my brothers and I recieve.....Without the women in todays armed forces they wouldn't be able to function....I was lucky, when I...
  7. bigmike

    BarredRockMomma (I'm still here)

    Yeah, and the Army is doing a much better job with it too...A lot of these kids already have a PTSD diagnosis when they get out and that gives them an atuomatic 50% from VA from the start..In my case I fought with them for years and they kept saying I didn't have PTSD.....But once i was rated...
  8. bigmike

    BarredRockMomma (I'm still here)

    We were accurate but not pin point..I was MLRS , yep blowing stuff up is cool until you roll through the artillery battalion you just fired on half an hour before..Not a pretty picture and sticks with you
  9. bigmike

    BarredRockMomma (I'm still here)

    :plbb...Semper Fi ....Marines walk too much for transportation...Mechanized Artillery that can take out a grid square is the only way to go..:D
  10. bigmike

    BarredRockMomma (I'm still here)

    If we got to ride in the back of a chinook (similair to the ch46) we were in heaven..I could do anything in one of those but usually slept or read...Didn't get too many rides though since our launchers were too heavy (13 tons) for air lift or to air drop....We were the only non airborne unit at...
  11. bigmike

    BarredRockMomma (I'm still here)

    Never rode a deck like you did, but i did plenty of things like drink coffee standing up in my track commanders hatch as it rolled across the countryside, and thats just like standing in a small boat with large waves...:gig
  12. bigmike

    BarredRockMomma (I'm still here)

    :yuckyuck ..that comes with experience...gotta keep the coffee from spilling :lau ..
  13. bigmike

    BarredRockMomma (I'm still here)

    Nope I'll keep my winter thank you very much....I spent a few years in Wyoming so I know what your winter can be half my adult life in Germany so I'm no stranger to the cold....Good luck if you have to go to the va, here it is almost impossible to get in to see your doctor but all we...
  14. bigmike

    BarredRockMomma (I'm still here)

    :hugs , sorry about the fall..hope everything is alright ....I agree with you, i'm ready for winter to be over, ready for spring so i can get the garden started.....But my winter and your winter are a little different..It was 45 this morning for a low but supposed to be around 30 tonight...
  15. bigmike

    New Hay bunk

    Awesome job of reusing and recycleing.....I try to reuse or recycle when I can...I'm a cheapskate lol
  16. bigmike

    Female goat mounting male

    Are you positive that she is bred? My Nigerian doe did this to my wether when she came into heat....Or it could just be a domination thing..I'm sure others with more experience will chime in soon..
  17. bigmike

    Hello from Cincinnati

    :welcome from Northern Texas...
  18. bigmike

    Hello From Geo

    :welcome from Northern Texas......You can do a lot on an acre..I have almost 2 acres but only using about 1 acre..I have goats and chickens, and want some rabbits..I will also have a huge vegetable garden this year...
  19. bigmike

    Ginger's kidding thread

    Awesome...Such pretty babies...Now if only Ginger will get on with it I'll be happy...She's using the doe code to her full ability..Congratulations
  20. bigmike

    Best Goat

    My Lamancha is such a sweetheart but she does have personality..She is certainally not boring...And very intelligent...She is standing there watching for my car when I come home from work and starts talking to me as soon as i get out of the car...She knows it's feeding time...Not that she's...