Search results

  1. C

    Can cattle eat this?

    I wasn't looking at either corn or soy as the staple of their diet. I ever much plan to have them in pasture grazing. I just thought that it wouldn't hurt to give them grain as well. The only reason I was thinking soy was to replace the minerals that corn takes out of the ground. A farmer...
  2. C

    Can rabbits eat soy?

    I'm planning to grow corn and to replace the minerals corn takes out of the soil, I have been told to rotate soybeans after the corn. Can rabbits eat soybeans? I have no plan to feed them corn, that's for my cattle, pigs and horse (when I get them). Thanks for your help!
  3. C

    Short List! YEAH!!!

    Starting with a steer doesn't sound like a bad idea. Thanks for the advice it didn't even occur to me. I know I've just scratched the surface of my research, but I'm pretty sure I want to have cows and breed them to annually supply me with meat. But I like the idea of having a steer that I...
  4. C

    I'm pretty sure they can but just to make sure?

    Would soy beans be safe to feed to pigs? I'm planning to grow corn and I understand that it is preferable to alternate a soybean crop to replace minerals corn takes out of the soil. So since I need to grow this crop anyway, can I just use it as additional feed?
  5. C

    Can cattle eat this?

    In addition to the hay field that's already available I want to grow corn for my animals to eat. From my understanding corn takes a lot of minerals out of the soil that soy beans can put back into it, so it's recommended to alternate the fields between corn and soy beans. I know that cattle...
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    Best Breed for Meat

    If you don't like the regulations, you can thank the people who are willing to kill you, me and anyone else with unsafe, contaminated food for the sake of making a dollar. Considering that people can (and do) DIE from unsafe, contaminated food I LOVE food regulations and have already begun...
  7. C

    Short List! YEAH!!!

    My purpose for getting cattle is for personal meat consumption. I'm not looking to become a major breeder. I would like cattle who can live comfortably in Arkansas during hot, humid summers, who are relatively docile and friendly, and do not require a lot of hands on care. From the research...
  8. C

    What kind of pig is this?

    Can you post a pic directly to the website? In the meantime you can check and see if you can find him/her. And God bless you for rescuing the poor thing.
  9. C

    Mixing breeds

    Leaving bulls out of the equation, does anyone think that really docile breeds of cows such as Herefords, Red Polls and Galloways could live together in a pasture peacefully? (btw, even as a newbie I know it probably isn't a good idea to have more than one breeding bull. Males in general are...
  10. C

    Is this a good package?

    I have an idea of getting an older (4 or 5 y.o.) bred cow, a heifer with calf at side and a unrelated yearling bull as a starter package.
  11. C

    Mixing breeds

    I understand from the farmer I visited today that it would not be a good idea to have more than one breed of cow. I asked because I anticipate having a hard time choosing which breed I want and thought of saving myself the heartache choosing two breeds instead of one. But I guess another...
  12. C

    Short List! YEAH!!!

    I just came from visiting a red poll ranch. They ae too cute! A yearling bull walked up to the rancher and let him pet him! They were all in the pond and very curiious about me. The best part was all of them, (bulls included) were less than 20 feet away and not one of one acted aggressively...
  13. C

    Best Breed for Meat

    Thank you. Someone also suggested that convalesent hospitals would be interested as well. I'm very excited. I guess I need to start pricing housing.
  14. C

    Short List! YEAH!!!

    Okay. After much soul-searching I have narrowed my search to four breeds: Galloway, Red Poll, Highland and Dexter. The things that concerns me most is that I live in Arkansas and I think I just picked cattle that look like they are more suited to a cooler climate than the humid, extremely...
  15. C

    Another newbie question -- who'd a thunk?

    My inner rebel is starting to emerge. With so many other breeds to pick from, I'm in the "anything but Angus" space. Not anything but I'm definitely wanting to not go the Angus route.
  16. C

    Another newbie question -- who'd a thunk?

    I visit a cattle ranch earlier and the gentleman was very opinionated about breeds and I'm very loath to discount what he said because he has been in the cattle business for a while but by the same token he is in the cattle business - his goal is more geared towards marketability/saleability of...
  17. C

    Bunny Medicine Cabinet

    Both websites are GREAT! Thank you for posting this information. Also, thank you for pointing out that good care in the beginning takes care of most problems before they begin. I have three cats and I'm used to keeping them clean and I have been very forunate that they have required very few...
  18. C

    Pregnancy Questions (Warning -- A lot of 'em)

    Thank you for your response. 10 years is a long breeding time. I guess my next question would be how long do pigs live?
  19. C

    Short List! YEAH!!!

    My friend pointed out if I want responses, then I should say WHY these four made my short list. 1) These breeds were listed as having a reputation for having tasty. lean meat. (maybe not Hereford so much, but they are soooo cute). 2) The articles I read stated these breeds are easy to manage...