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  1. Chicken Girl

    New member

    Maybe this will help:
  2. Chicken Girl

    Another BYC member, from Missouri

    :welcome from a fellow BYCer as well!
  3. Chicken Girl

    Breed & Gender help

    I don't think it is impossible, but I would watch them as the grow and as long as the flock doesn't show signs of stress you could be fine with three.
  4. Chicken Girl

    I need help Identifying my chickens breed

    Where did you get them? I'm leaning towards mixes as well.
  5. Chicken Girl

    What is this guy?

    Mixed Silkie cockerel, cute looking fellow!
  6. Chicken Girl

    Hello from Tennessee

    Welcome to BYH!
  7. Chicken Girl


    Welcome to BYH from a fellow transplant! :D
  8. Chicken Girl

    New to BYH

    Welcome to BYH!
  9. Chicken Girl

    Help me identify what breed my chick is

    Perhaps an Ancona?
  10. Chicken Girl

    Breed & Gender help

    Your guesses seem to be correct, the red ones are probably hatchery quality RIRs or Production Reds. Is the Easter Egger 8 weeks as well? I have a feeling it maybe a cockerel. With that much room to roam and that many hens I think two roosters would be fine.
  11. Chicken Girl

    Breed & Gender help

    I think Mr. Fluffy Pants is a cockerel with a reddening comb at that age.
  12. Chicken Girl

    Yum Or Yuck?

    Never had it SQ?
  13. Chicken Girl

    Guess the pet (Breed and Gender)(For learning)

    it's an old picture but what do you think?
  14. Chicken Girl

    What is this chicken thinking?

    Run for it girls, they've seen us!!