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  1. woodleighcreek

    Your rabbit setups??

    I have some large dog crates and wire cages stacked atop one another. I dont have any pics, though :(
  2. woodleighcreek

    getting soon, so excited <done no babies>

    I know how you feel! My doe is on day 32 and is just lounging in the box, occasionally pulling fur. I now have a webcam on her so I can spy.
  3. woodleighcreek

    Hi from SW PA

    :welcome :bun
  4. woodleighcreek

    Buck not finishing

    He probably already did his job. Rabbit mating is very quick, it only takes a second.
  5. woodleighcreek

    What does it mean when a pregnant doe leans on you?

    I know goats do it, i have never seen a rabbit do it, though. Thats why i thought maybe she wanted me to leave so she could give birth.
  6. woodleighcreek

    What does it mean when a pregnant doe leans on you?

    My doe is due today and I went into the barn to check on her. I started petting her on one side and she leaned on my hand, almost flipping over. I moved my hand to the other side and she did the same thing. What dies this mean?
  7. woodleighcreek

    When should i expect the babies to be born? **Day 33 still no kits**

    She does give me the evil eye when ever I go in there. :P But she seemed very thankful for the hay.
  8. woodleighcreek

    When should i expect the babies to be born? **Day 33 still no kits**

    Yes. I have and I also had a professional do it. We think there are 3 or 4 in there. She has been doing some serious nesting since yesterday night. She also keeps licking her stomach and her dewlap.
  9. woodleighcreek

    When should i expect the babies to be born? **Day 33 still no kits**

    I did that and she dosnt move from the nest. She already has a lot of straw in it. Since today is her due date, do you think she will have them tonight? How will i know when she is about to have her babies? I heard somedont pull fur until the last moment.